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ITS Concall Minutes 20100713
Revision as of 03:09, 16 July 2010 by Astechishin (talk | contribs)
ITS Teleconference - July 13, 2010
Called to order at 4:04 Eastern
Present: Gaby Jewell (GJ), Brian Pech (BP), Andy Stechishin (AS), Lynn Laakso (LL), Gerald Beuchelt (GB), Andy Gregoriwicz (AG)
Chair: AS
Scribe: AS
- Role call and agenda
- Approve Minutes of previous meetings Jul 6, 2010 and Jun 22, 2010
- Review product briefs with Lynn Laakso (15 minutes)
- Review revised revision of hData Record Format
- Review hData API Spec
Agenda accepted as posted
- Meeting called to order at 4:14 Eastern
Previous Minutes
Approval of meeting minutes from Jun 22, 2010 and Jul 6, 2010
- Motion: Accept (GB/BP) Unanimous
Product Briefs
LL presented some of the updates that had been done and asked if the co-chair had reviewed as per her email. AS responded that he had not. The group then went over the list as posted on the HL7 main wiki.
- AS commented that he thought some of the ballot status was incorrect but the statuses proved to be accurate.
- AS will contact PK to ensure the individual description are verified off-line
- AS will verify with Grahame Grieve to determine if there are any implementers of UML datatypes
hData Record Format Review
- Motion: distribute update v15 to the co-chair of work groups identified in previous teleconference (GB/GJ) Unanimous
hData API Review
Not done - no time
Next Call
- hData API review
- AG and GB will not be available for the call but asked the group to proceed to help move the process along.
- 5:03 PM Eastern