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InternationalPatientSummary FHIR IG Proposal

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International Patient Summary

Owning work group name

Structured Documents

Committee Approval Date:


Contributing or Reviewing Work Groups

  • Patient Care
  • Templates
  • Emergency Care
  • Vocabulary
  • Electronic Health Records
  • Healthcare Standards Integration
  • Public Health
  • Orders and Observations
  • Mobile Health

FHIR Development Project Insight ID


Scope of coverage

The International Patient Summary (IPS) is a minimal and non-exhaustive patient summary, specialty-agnostic, condition-independent, but readily usable by clinicians for the cross-border unscheduled care of a patient. It supports:

  1. Cross-jurisdictional summaries
  2. Emergency and unplanned care in any country, regardless of language
  3. Where possible, value sets from international vocabularies that are usable and understandable in any country
  4. Data/metadata for document-level provenance.

IG Purpose

The International Patient Summary specification is needed to provide a mechanism for data representation and exchange to support emergency care and unplanned care in any country (home and foreign), regardless of language.

Content location

Proposed IG realm and code


Maintenance Plan

The Structured Documents WG has agreed in the PSS to assume the ongoing maintenance responsibility. The Patient Care WG, primarily, and the other co-sponsor WGs also have an ongoing interest in maintenance of the specification.

Short Description

The International Patient Summary (IPS) is a minimal and non-exhaustive patient summary, specialty-agnostic, condition-independent, but readily usable by clinicians for the cross-border unscheduled care of a patient.

Long Description

The International Patient Summary (IPS) is a minimal and non-exhaustive patient summary, specialty-agnostic, condition-independent, but readily usable by clinicians for the cross-border unscheduled care of a patient. It supports: (1) Cross-jurisdictional summaries; (2) Emergency and unplanned care in any country, regardless of language; (3) Where possible, value sets from international vocabularies that are usable and understandable in any country; (4) Data/metadata for document-level provenance.

Involved parties

  • Structured Documents WG
  • ONC
    • EU-US Initiative

Primary Editors

  • Giorgio Cangioli, PhD
  • Robert Hausam, MD
  • Dr Kai U. Heitmann
  • François Macary


  • Dr Philip Scott
  • Dr Christof Geßner
  • Dr Stefan Sabutsch
  • Gary Dickinson
  • Catherine Chronaki
  • Dr Stephen Chu
  • Didi Davis

Expected implementations

  1. openNCP
  2. Sequoia Project
    1. The Sequoia Project is committed to ensuring the content of data exchanges is both accurate and useful to providers and patients. Since June 2015, the Testing Workgroup has been developing a content testing program, focused around a common set of requirements and testing tools, to improve the quality and completeness of Continuity of Care Document (CCD) exchanges. We began by defining and refining CCDs that may be exchanged by eHealth Exchange participants to address particular use cases or business needs. The recent content testing pilot ( will inform future documentation and tooling that is expected to go into production by November 2016.

Content sources


Example Scenarios

  1. Cross-jurisdictional patient summaries
  2. Support emergency and unplanned care in any country, regardless of language

IG Relationships




When IG Proposal Is Complete

When you have completed your proposal, please send an email to

FMG Notes