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2017 arb sandiego agenda
2017 WGM San Diego/La Jolla California US
Sunday Q3 with SGB
- ISM - (TONY: Include the final link)
- finish the topic
- Next steps
- Feed into updates on
- standards grid and
- PSS Project Matrix
- To whom do Management and Methodology groups report?
- (Tony: Include link to BAM)
- Feed into updates on
Sunday Q5 with TSC
Monday Q2
- Who is covering what this week?
- PHER Syndromic Surveillance Messaging Guide through HL7 balloting for the first time.?(Dave Trepanier)
Thursday Q3
- Things that came up this week.
- Other business and planning
- Open issues
- Agenda until next WGM.
- When do we meet next WGM?
- Adjournment