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June 27, 2017 CBCC Conference Call
Community-Based Collaborative Care Working Group Meeting
Meeting Information
Dial-in Number: (515) 604-9861; Access Code: 429554 * Online Meeting Link: * Click on Join an Online Meeting * at Join Meeting Enter Online Meeting ID: cbhs * Enter Name, e-mail if prompted * Run the FCC_Installer if prompted
Please be aware that teleconference meetings are recorded to assist with creating meeting minutes
Member Name | x | Member Name | x | Member Name | x | Member Name | |||||
. | Johnathan ColemanCBCC Co-Chair | . | Suzanne Gonzales-Webb CBCC Co-Chair | . | Jim Kretz CBCC Co-Chair | x | David Pyke CBCC Co-Chair | ||||
x | Kathleen Connor Security Co-Chair | x | Mike Davis | . | John Moehrke Security Co-Chair | x | Diana Proud-Madruga SOA Co-Chair | ||||
. | Mohammed Jafari | . | Glen Marshall | . | Ken Salyards | . | Ken Sinn | ||||
x | David Staggs | . | Steve Eichner | x | Ioana Singureanu | x | Beth Pumo | ||||
. | Chris Shawn | x | Neelima Chennamaraja | x | Joe Lamy | . | Joseph Quinn | ||||
. | David Tao, Mobile Health | . | Ali Khan | x | [mailto: Anita Walden] | . |
- (05 min) Roll Call, Approve Agenda, Approve Meeting Minutes
- June 20, 2017 CBCC Conference Call
- May 06-12, 2017 HL7 Working Group Meeting, Madrid Spain; minutes posted for review, approval vote to be held at 6/27 meeting
- (05 min) PASS Audit - Document Update
- (05 min) Security and Privacy Impact Assessment Cookbook (SPIA) - SUR definition // moved to next agenda - Suzanne
- (05 min) CBCC FHIR FRIDAY call at 2:00 ET // FHIR Consent Directive Project Wiki, Main page
- FHIR Consent discussion
- FHIR Consent CPs are located: link to ALL Change requests
- May WGM DRAFT Agenda, Minutes
- New Project NIBs? September 2017 Ballot Cycle
Please contact a CBCC Co-chair if you wish to add agenda items! Thank you!
Minutes (DRAFT)
Role taken, Agenda Approved
AUDIO LINK: [FCC Recording]
- Minutes June 20th -- "Suzanne to Add" section needs completion
- Minutes for May 2017 WGM Meeting approved Moved:Diana Proud-Madruga/Jim Kretz Passed 7-0-0
PASS Audit Report
- Nothing for progress
- Mike/Chris Shaun to take over but no movement yet
- awaiting the SUR definition to be provided by Suzanne
FHIR Consent
- Some discussion of the necessary roles of Patient Care and CBCC in the decision process. A request to determine how Care Plan (and within advanced directive) was assigned to Patient Care. It was felt needed to be reviewed and will be presented to CBCC. CBCC should be listed as an interested party on the PSS.
Adjourned at 2:23 Jim/Johnathan