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DoF 2016-11-23
Revision as of 17:10, 22 November 2016 by ToddCooper (talk | contribs) (→Agenda/Minutes: Updated Agenda)
Meeting Information
- WebEx (incl. VOIP): CLICK HERE
- Phone: +1 770-657-9270
- Participant Code: 432584
Regrets: TBD
- Introductions, Agenda Review, etc.
- Approve Minutes from previous call 2016.11.16
- Activity / Action Item Review
- - Addressing remaining CP's
- Connectathon / Showcase Planning
- - Bi-weekly Virtual Connectathon Update
- Remains TBD until more detail @ January & February events
- - November DevDays Continua Connectathon Report Out!
- - January IHE Connectathon Discussion
- Registration Open - link TBD
- Use Cases / Story Lines
- - HIMSS Interoperability Showcase
- Use Case Planning
- - Bi-weekly Virtual Connectathon Update
- Topic: TBD (...)
- Plan next meeting - 2016.11.30