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CSCR-019 contextControlCode

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Submitted by: Charlie Bishop Revision date: ?
Submitted date: 08 March 2005 Change request ID: CSCR-019

(Copied from HL7 Website Meeting Minutes and original Change Request)




This attribute is not included in all the necessary classes and where it is included its use is inconsistent and the specified vocabulary domain is overly restrictive.


Standardize usage to be:

  • cardinality [1..1]
  • conformance Mandatory
  • vocabulary domain ContextControl

Update usage in the following Act Relationships:

  • ActChoice.sourceOf2/targetOf
  • ActChoice.conditions
  • ActChoice.definition
  • Observation.referenceRange
  • ObservationRange.precondition
  • Criterion.precondition

Update usage in the following Participations:

  • ActChoice.informant
  • ActChoice.performer
  • ActChoice.dataEnterer
  • ActChoice.verifier
  • ActChoice.subject
  • ActChoice.recordTarget

Add contextControlCode to the following Act Relationships:

  • Organizer.component
  • ActChoice.sourceOf1

Add contextControlCode to the following Participations:

  • ActChoice.participant
  • ActChoice.location
  • SubstanceAdministration.consumable
  • Supply.product


Attribute needs to be included in the pattern so that it is available for domains that make use of the pattern. Vocabulary should be as general as possible in a pattern to avoid imposing unnecessary constraints on domains wishing to make use of the model.


23 March 2006

  • Discussed usage of ActRelationship ContextConductionIndictor and ContextControlCode
  • Charlie will provide notes on the usage of ActRelationship ContextConductionIndictor and ContextControlCode to help the group understand the next set of change requests

20 April 2006

  • Agreed that discussion of this should be deferred to a future meeting


Motion (First, second): Motion Against: 0; Abstain: X; In Favor: Z