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Health Concern

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This is a new Health Concern Project initiated October 2013.
This wiki page contains latest contents for the Health Concern Project post September 2013 WGM at Cambridge.


Care Plan has been balloted in 2007 as DSTU. However, a number of ballot issues were not resolved satisfactorily and consequently the balloted contents did not reach DSTU status.

The project plan initiated in 2011 is to first develop a Domain Analysis Model (DAM) for the Care Plan, and then decide on follow on activities. The HDF 1.5 (HL7 development framework) approach will be followed. HL7 PC will work together with various groups including HL7 Work Groups (e.g. EHR, Structured documents), IHE, NEHTA, Canada Health Infoway, and others.

Project Co-Leaders

Michael Tan
Kevin Coonan, MD
Email: k e v i n <dot> c o o n a n [Gmail and Skype--remove the spaces]

Meeting Information

Insert conference call details here

  • Call Logistics- voice
    • Phone Number: 770-657-9270
    • Participant Passcode: 943377#

  • Call Logistics- screen sharing/
    • Web conferencing URL:

The meeting number is 239 498 434
No password is required.

Meeting Agendas and Minutes

Health Concern Meetings/Conference Calls Agenda and Minutes

Health Concern: Concept, Definitions and Related Discussions



A concern is a matter of interest, importance or worry to someone

Health Concern


A Health Concern is a health related matter that is of interest, importance or worry to someone, who may be the patient, patient's family or patient's health care provider
(approved, PCWG San Antonio WGM, Monday 20 January 2014 Q3)
The "Health Concern" concept is often used interchangeably with "Condition" or "Issue"

  • The health related matter is of sufficient interest/importance that someone in the health care environment (patient, family, provider) has identified to be requiring some attention and perhaps tracking
  • A health concern may be identified from different perspectives:
- Patient
- Family member/carer
- Providers (physician, surgeon, physical therapist, respiratory therapist, nutritionist, health educator, social worker, etc)
  • From information management or engineering perspective, "health concern" can been considered to encompass two subconcepts:
- Health Concern Tracker/Tracking
- Health Concern Observation

Health Concern Tracker/Tracking

  • A Health Concern (Tracker/Tracking) contains no semantics beyond that need for tracking, excepting the link between related Conditions (as identified through ObservationEvent or ObservationRisk assessments conveying Event, Clinical Finding, Disorder assertions, etc).

Health Concern Observation

  • Health concern observations are observations and evaluations (meta-observations) of matters related to a patient's health that are of interest or important to someone
  • The observations and evaluations can be from the perspective of the patient, the patient's family, the carer, or any health care providers involved in the care of the patient
  • The scope of observations and evaluations cover health issues, conditions, problems, diagnosis
  • Related health concern observations are linked and tracked by the Health Concern Tracker


  • A Health Concern or a set of related health concerns (expressed as issue(s), condition(s), problem(s), diagnosis/diagnoses, risk(s), barrier(s) are linked to a set of supporting information including complaints (by patient and/or patient family), signs, symptoms, diagnostic findings through health concern tracking
  • Other related topics such as goal(s), preference(s) and intervention(s) [and their related observations/evaluations] may also be linked to health concern(s) through the health concern tracking

The relationships between health concern, its related/supporting information and health concern tracking is depicted in the following diagram"

HealthConcernTopic 2014-03-06.jpg

  • NOTE:
This conceptual diagram was approved at the 6 March 2014 Conference call.
It will form the basis for continuous analysis and use case/storyboard development
It will be refined based on the the analysis and storyboard development outcomes
Logical model(s) will be developed which will form part of the DAM package artefacts

A simple patient journey storyboard on Health Concern Observations and Health Concern Tracker/Tracking

- A patient presented to his Primary Care Physician (PCP) with chief complaints of cough and slight shortness of breath. There was no wheezing on examination
- A week later, he returned to see his PCP with presenting symptoms of cough, shortness of breath and fever
- Three days later, he presented himself at the Emergency Department of local hospital with cough, severe shortness of breath, wheezing and fever
- He was diagnosed with asthma and bronchopneumonia
- he was admitted, treated in the hospital and discharged back to the care of his PCP a week later

Each of the above events was recorded in the PCP electronic medical record as individual Health Concern observations

As the patient is now diagnosed with asthma, the PCP considers it important to track these inter-related conditions to help better monitoring and management of the patient's condition
The Health Concern tracker function of the EMR is activated which links all the related health concern observations under a principal Health Concern observation - Asthma

An analogy:
The health concern tracker and health concern observations relationship can be akin to the health concern tracker as the connecting vines of a bunch of grapes
The entry point is the principal health concern observation: e.g. asthma in the simple patient journey storyboard
Each health concern observation (e.g. chief complaints on first encounter, presenting problems at local hospital emergency department, etc) can be considered as a grape
From the entry point, navigation can be made along the branches of the vine to individual grape

Health Concern and Problem Concern Act in C-CDA

Health Concern in C-CDA
C-CDA contains a Health Concern section and a Health Concern Act

  • Health Concern Section:
This section contains data describing an interest or worry about a health state or process that could possibly require attention, intervention, or management
  • Health Concern Act:
It is a wrapper for health concerns derived from a variety of sources within an EHR (such as Problem List, Family History, Social History, Social Worker Note, etc.).
A Health Concern Act can represent a health concern that a patient currently has. Health concerns require intervention(s) to increase the likelihood of achieving the goals of care for the patient.
A Health Concern Act can also represent a health concern that is a risk. A risk is a clinical or socioeconomic condition that the patient does not currently have, but the probability of developing that condition rises to the level of concern such that an intervention and/or monitoring is needed.

Health Concerns can be identified/expressed from both the provider or patient (and family) perspectives
Health concerns identify matters of interest/worry from health perspective

Problem Concern Act in C-CDA

The Problem Concernt Act reflects an ongoing concern on behalf of the provider that placed the concern on a patient’s problem list.
So long as the underlying condition is of concern to the provider (i.e. so long as the condition, whether active or resolved, is of ongoing concern and interest to the provider), the statusCode is “active”. Only when the underlying condition is no longer of concern is the statusCode set to “completed”.
The effectiveTime reflects the time that the underlying condition was felt to be a concern – it may or may not correspond to the effectiveTime of the condition (e.g. even five years later, the clinician may remain concerned about a prior heart attack)

Problem concerns are identified/expressed from provider perspective
Problem concerns may be further organised through Health Concern Tracker
Problem concerns identify matters of interest/worry from clinical perspectives (e.g. including medical, nursing, allied health)


- A patient may have multiple instances/episodes of chest infections. Each is identified by the patient's PCP as Problem Concern
- This same patient may also have multiple instances/episodes of asthmatic attacks, some of them are triggered by chest infection episodes. Each is also identified by the patient's PCP as another type of Problem Concern
- All chest infection problem concerns that triggers asthma and all other asthmatic attack problem concerns may be linked by a Asthma Health Concern Tracker

Working Documents and Project Deliverables

Note: the following list of documents/deliverables will change as the project progresses.

Working documents are found here

  • Storyboard/Use Case Documents:
* Health Concern Observation and Tracking Storyboard 2013-11-20

Links to Other Related and Relevant Projects


See Health Concern and Problem Concern Act in C-CDA above for more details

Other Related Projects

Any other related information to go here

Project Scope


A Health Concern is any health related issue which is identified by a user of an EHRS as needing tracking. The concept of a Health Concern is agnostic to the specific content or who identified the need to track it. It is principally concerned with the tracking and maintenance of the expressed content. In all cases there will need to be an Observation (a Condition) which names the Health Concern. Condition can be diagnosis, signs, symptoms, risks (of some future undesirable state), risk factors, abnormal diagnostic study, barrier to care, propensity to adverse reaction (aka "allergy"), or patient preference. This is based on a long-standing convention, and has been broadened to accompany the range of Health Concerns. Additional types of Health Concerns are quite possible, if they differ substantially from some existing type.

Additional criteria based on the specific Condition which names the Health Concern

Previous discussion has indicated that a Health Concern requires some sort of action on the part of the care team (which potentially includes the subject and/or record target), based on the specifics of the Condition which names the Health Concern. Thus, there is a Condition specific requirement to be the reason for some action, even if that action is to simply observe. A Condition also implies one or more (prioritized) Goals, i.e. an assertion of what should happen or the desired outcome.

Project Objectives and Outcomes

As per Health Concern Project Scope Statement.

Project Work Plan and Timeline

As per Health Concern Project Scope Statement.

Project Team and Ressources

Primary Sponsor/Work Group is Patient Care WG

Project Team Members

  • Michael Tan (co-lead)
  • Kevin Coonan (co-lead)
  • Stephen Chu (domain expert)
  • Russ Leftwich (domain expert)
  • Laura Heermann Langford
  • Elaine Ayres
  • Lisa Neilson
  • Emma Jones
  • ...