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2012-04-02 Rx Conf Call
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- Chair – Melva Peters, Scribe - Hugh Glover; Jean-Henri Duteau, John Hattem, Garry Cruickshank, Julie James, Scott Robertson
List Discussions
- Meaningful Use email
Nothing further to add - Hugh has responded to the eMail from Hans to say we have nothing to add to existing comments from committee members but we wish to be kept in the loop.
Ballot Prep
- General Ballot Issues
This is generally OK though there are still some outstanding iteems that Jean-Henri will negative ballot.
Jean-Henri to circulate the list of outstaanding items to co-chairs.
- Normative Edition
Will be available in about 2 weeks.
There are some small edits to make but generally progress is OK.
Vancouver Agenda
- Interim co-chair
Tom will not be in Vancouver and Hugh and Melva have a number of other commitments so an interim co-chair may be required.
MOTION: Adopt Scott as an interim co-chair for the Vancouver meeting, Proposed Hugh, Seconded Jean-Henri. Passed 6,0,0
- Clinical statement session
Hugh coordinate with Rik Smithies
- need to get PSS reviewed and approved
Hugh to post PSS to the List and include on next weeks agenda
- Other Changes
Mon Q2 and Q3 move to Tue Q3 and Q4
Hot Topics - Review on Monday Q2
Tom to check that joint with Structured Doc will go ahead
Q4 Wed remove Christian Hay and IDMP
Melva will make changes to agenda
Melva to eMail Lynn Lakso that agenda exists
Action Items
- Glossary - no update
- Clinical Statement - no update