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* Hugh Glover (Chair)
* Melva Peters (Chair)
* Stephen Chu
* John Hatem
* Tom de Jong
* Chris Tyne
* Matthew Graham

Revision as of 21:03, 10 November 2014


  • Melva Peters (Chair)
  • Stephen Chu
  • John Hatem
  • Tom de Jong
  • Chris Tyne
  • Matthew Graham


FHIR Change Request (LLOYD)


Discussion of FHIR Timelines

FHIR Status

Harmonization Proposal Review

File:000-November2014-HyperlinkedIndexForHarmonization 201411105.xls

CDA Template work with Melva

  • John is working on the CDA Template work with Melva. Next step is to take this to put it into the FHIR tool that will then allow profiles to be created.
  • Update 10/27/14: John has started the profile creation work. John would like to work with Melva on the first profile. John suggests that we start with the Medication Dispense profile. Will proceed with profile work until we run into an issue. When we do we address issues with the StructuredDocs workgroup.

List serve traffic

Rates of administration for medicines

  • Long thread on description for rates of administration for medicines – e.g. for dopamine to keep urine output at a particular level. Various sub-threads have emerged, including a syntax for free text (!) and critically where a free text dosage instructions should be put in the CDA.
  • Various folk are not able to join the CDA call on Thursday, but we feel that the correct pattern would be to use the component act relationship on the MedicationOrder SBADMRQO class to clone a second SBADMRQO class that carries the Dosage Instructions information.
  • The text attribute of that class can correctly carry the text of the Dosage Instructions. This is how the Dose Syntax Implementation Guidance for V3 describes this should be done too.
ACTION COMPLETED: Hugh/Julie will post something about this to the List. 
  • Update - The result of the Thursday meeting is not known.
Action COMPLETED:  Melva will reach out to SDWG to find out the resolution to that issue during last Thursday's meeting.
  • Response from Brett: A few folks agreed to finalize a design offline and present to SDWG on October 30th. The initial draft is very similar to what Julie proposed.

Mobile Health codathon

  • Will be building mobile-based Medication type applications. Suggest reaching out to the Committee to offer to answer questions etc. if they come across things that they need help with for Medication topics (rather than reinvent the wheel). Hugh will do this (partly as he is also FHIR liaison for Mobile Health).
Action Completed: Hugh to send email to Matthew in Mobile Health.  Answer:  Hugh did not receive a reply.

Pharmacy on-line tutorial

  • Should we put that together – and if we do, would that help with issues from CDA, mobile health etc.
  • Suggest this is based on the V3 principles (particularly as FHIR still a moving target)
  • Who has time and resources to do this? Is it something that could be developed during two quarters at a WGM?
ACTION: Add to WGM Agenda for San Antonio.

Action: Develop PSS for a tutorial project. Determine scope and breathe of possible artifact developed.
  • Suggest that we should put the outline for a course together in advance of the WGM (many of us have training that we have done that we can blend together to give a good outline).


Next meeting - November 24, 2014 at 1600hr Eastern