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Within personalContact all formal and informal relationships for the SoC to other people can be communicated. The personalContact refers to a Resource-id within a Resource type. Within the context of this SoC resource only the actual valid relationships are communicated. Changes in PersonalContacts have to be made via their own Resources. The following Resource types are documented by the PA Work Group:
Within personalContact all formal and informal relationships for the SoC to other people can be communicated. The personalContact refers to a Resource-id within a Resource type. Within the context of this SoC resource only the actual valid relationships are communicated. Changes in PersonalContacts have to be made via their own Resources. The following Resource types are documented by the PA Work Group:

Revision as of 21:13, 22 October 2012

Return to PA Resource Development

SubjectOfCare properties

  • identifier, HumanId [1..*]
  • person, Resource(Person|Animal) [1..1] - person to be changed into something that could include Animal too
  • providerOrganization, Resource(Organization) [0..1]
  • status, CodeableConcept [0..1]
  • confidentiality, CodeableConcept [0..*]
  • deceasedDate, dateTime [0..1]
  • coverage, Resource(Coverage) [0..*]
  • personalContact, Resource(Any) [0..*]
  • otherInformation, Resource(Any) [0..*]

SubjectOfCare extensions:

  • effectiveTime
  • veryImportantPersonCode

Within personalContact all formal and informal relationships for the SoC to other people can be communicated. The personalContact refers to a Resource-id within a Resource type. Within the context of this SoC resource only the actual valid relationships are communicated. Changes in PersonalContacts have to be made via their own Resources. The following Resource types are documented by the PA Work Group:

Classes taken from the V3 R_Patient universal CMET, except:

  • Citizen -> Nation (should be extension of Person)
  • PatientOfOtherProvider - information can be searched via Person resource
  • BirthPlace (should be an extension of Person)
  • Employee (should be its own resource)
  • Student (should be its own resource)

OtherInformation can e.g. be used for communicating the following information related to the SoC:

  • Administrative Observations
  • Diet
  • Allergies
  • Blood group and other clinical observations

Changes after email discussions Lloyd/Grahame:

  • All associations to other classes replaced by attributes within SoC itself
  • Naming convention: lower camel case
  • Active replaced by status

Changes from TCON 20121015:

  • Rename PertinentObservation -> OtherInformation
  • Rename PersonalRelationship -> PersonalContact (name to be discussed)
  • Remove recordLocation (not in the 80%)
  • Rename CareGiver in ProviderOrganization to CareProvider (+ resource)
  • Remove OtherId (attributes are already present in HumanId)

Changes from TCON 20121022:

  • Add Animal to the person. person itself is yet to be changed.