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SAIF Architecture Program – 2011-10-18 Meeting

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Meeting Logistics


  1. Role Call
  2. Agenda Review
  3. Review the PSS for Risk Assessment/Analysis to determine Governance (Jane Curry)
  4. Analyze what the dependencies are of that proposed project and the existing SAIF project (and providing feedback to the Implementation Guide in particular)
  5. OO Project Update
  6. Recurring Agenda Items
    1. Pilot Coordination updates (Rick Haddorff)
      1. Any new Coordination items? (Team)
      2. Project Schedule progress (Rick Haddorff)
  7. Action item review (see below)
  8. Next steps

Action Items to Review

  • Owner:
    • ID # and Description
      • Any update or other question?

Link to the Complete List of Action Items/Issues/Risks (GForge)

Meeting Attendees

X=Present on Call

Facilitator Austin Kreisler Note taker(s) David Hamill
Attendee Name Affiliation
X Austin Kreisler TSC Chair
Brian Pech Interested Participant
X David Hamill HL7 HQ / Program Manager
Ed Tripp Domain Experts SD \ TSC
X Jane Curry Tooling
Jim McClay Emergency Care
John Moehrke Security Cookbook
John Quinn HL7 CTO
Lloyd McKenzie MnM Work Group / SAIF Implementation Guide Pjt
Lorraine Constable Composite Order Pjt \ OO Behavioral Framework Pjt
X Patrick Loyd OO Work Group / Composite Order Pjt
Rick Haddorff Project Services WG / SAIF Pilot Coordination Pjt
Robert Lario Object Management
Pat Van Dyke EHR WG
Steve Hufnagel ArB / SAIF Book Project / SOA
Wendy Huang Implementation Conformance WG
Margie Kennedy
Freida Hall Project Services WG
Quorum Requirements Met: Yes


OO Update

  • Patrick: Their main resource, Lorraine Constable, will need to reduce her focus on Lab Order template work.
  • Hoping to get Lab Order Static and Dynamic Models to the January Ballot but with Lorraine reduces resource availability, they probably won’t make January.
  • Patrick still thinks they will be ready for balloting in May.
  • Jane: Perhaps pitch this as a Tooling Requirement project and may be able to get some resources if it’s considered a tooling requirement. If this is pursued, Patrick will create a new PSS to head down this path.

Risk Assessment and Governance for SAIF AP PSS

Gforge Accounts can be requested via:

Adjourned 10:59 AM Eastern Time

New Action Items

Dave – Update the Pilot Coordination project schedule dates and Project Insight dates for the Lab Order Template project
Patrick – Create a PSS so Behavioral Model Framework projects (and possibly that Lab Order Template project) could be considered as a Tooling Requirement. OO would send this PSS to Tooling to indicate the Tooling Requirements for Lab Order Template. Target deadline: Jan WGM 2012.
Dave – Create a tracker for Patrick’s PSS above.
Dave – Let Lynn know to reserve some time (30 minutes) on the Saturday TSC meeting at the San Antonio Jan 2012 WGM to discuss the deliverables identified Risk Assessment and Governance for SAIF AP PSS
Jane - Ask ArB if they want to be co-sponsors on the Risk Assessment and Governance for SAIF AP PSS. Austin - will ask MnM if they want to be co-sponsors on the Risk Assessment and Governance for SAIF AP PSS.