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This is the new Care Plan Initiative project 2011.

return to: Patient Care

further to:


Care Plan has been balloted some years ago as DSTU. However, it was felt at that time that more work needed to be done in defining care plan, the components of the care plan, identifying use cases and use. The plan for 2011 is to first develop a Domain Analysis Model (DAM) for the Care Plan, and then decide on follow on activities. The HDF 1.5 (HL7 development framework) approach will be followed. HL7 PC will build on the material and knowledge of various groups to develop the DAM. Project contact: André Boudreau, or Laura Heermann Langford,

HL7 PC will work together with various groups including HL7 Work Groups (e.g. EHR, Structured documents), IHE, NEHTA, Canada Health Infoway, and others.

Project Co-Leaders

André Boudreau
Boroan inc.
Phone: 514.992.8433
Laura Heermann Langford
Intermountain Healthcare
Phone: 801.290.6888
Work Group Team Members

Meeting Information

The Care Plan project team meets via conference call on a regular basis. The group will report to the HL7 Patient Care Workgroup through one of the Co-Chair or at the HL7 meetings.

Agendas and Minutes

Project Need

To be added.

Project Scope

To be added.

Thoughts from meetings in February to April meetings: -

THIS IS PAST CONTENTS THAT COULD BE LEVERAGED: The Care Plan Topic is one of the roll outs of the Care Provision Domain Message Information Model (D-MIM). The Care Plan is a specification of the Care Statement with a focus on defined Acts in a guideline, and their transformation towards an individualized plan of care in which the selected Acts are added. The purpose of the care plan as defined upon acceptance of the DSTU materials in 2007 is: - To define the management action plans for the various conditions (for example problems, diagnosis, health concerns)identified for the target of care - To organize a plan for care and check for completion by all individual professions and/or (responsible parties (including the patient, caregiver or family) for decision making, communication, and continuity and coordination) - To communicate explicitly by documenting and planning actions and goals - To permit the monitoring, and flagging, evaluating and feedback of the status of goals, actions, and outcomes such as completed, or unperformed activities and unmet goals and/or unmet outcomes for later follow up. - Managing the risk related to effectuating the care plan, Generally a care plan greatly aids the team (responsible parties – it could be the patient caregiver/family) in understanding and coordinating the actions that need to be performed for the person. The Care Plan structure is used to define the management action plans for the various conditions identified for the target of care. It is the structure in which the care planning for all individual professions or for groups of professionals can be organized, planned and checked for completion. Communicating explicitly documented and planned actions and goals greatly aids the team in understanding and coordinating the actions that need to be performed for the person. Care plans also permit the monitoring and flagging of unperformed activities and unmet goals for later follow up.

Project Team

Primary Sponsor/Work Group is Patient Care WG

Role Name Email Notes
Project Co-Lead André Boudreau
Project Co-Lead Laura Heermann Langford
Other interested parties to be listed
Publishing facilitator ??
Vocabulary facilitator ??
Modeling facilitator ??
Domain expert representative 1 Rosemary Kennedy TBC
Domain expert representative 2 ??
Data Analyst facilitator ??
Business requirement analyst Rosemary Kennedy TBC
Requirements process facilitator
Business requirement analyst
Requirements process facilitator ??
Implementor ??

Action items

Project Process

Project Objectives and Deliverables

To be revised: 1. Domain Analysis Model with the following deliverables (together with SD WG):

    • Definitions of Care Plan and others.
    • Work on storyboards and use cases (multiple). Emergency, Clinical hospital (discharge), Nursing home, chronic disease, primary care. Multidisciplinary. Example use cases can be: 1 chronic condition, obstetric case with transfer. After that CDA can use the work that is be done. CDS is an addition to the messages which already exist. They must be updated.
    • Dynamic model for the Care Plan Topic
    • Structural model. -> DAM (HDF within HL7)


Acute Care
Chronic Care
Home Care

Success Criteria

To be defined.

Project Timeline

To be defined.

Project Resources

Most will be done in normal committee work time, and online via meetings, where all contributors have their normal responsibilities to develop DCM for their day job / clients / projects.

Project Budget

To be defined.

=Ballot strategy - general||

To be defined.

Links to relevant documents

To be defined.


Users of Care Plan

Contributors of the Care Plan Topic

Collaborating with Agreement status Comments
IMIA-NI Existing
IHE Existing
CEN Existing Swedish Care Plan project

Download CEN materials from Sweden here:

Sub Projects