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* Steering Division Approval: 6/5/2018
* Steering Division Approval: 6/5/2018
* Technical Steering Committee Approval: 06/22/2018
* Technical Steering Committee Approval: 06/22/2018
* Project Completed: 10/02/2018

Latest revision as of 18:45, 20 October 2018

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CDA R2.1 Stylesheet Project


This project officially ended October 2, 2018 with the publication of version 4.0.0 of the stylesheet and the documentation per accepted SDWG motion

Welcome to the CDA R2.1 Stylesheet Project Wiki Site. This wiki will be used to share the project managment information supporting the development of a stylesheet which can be used to render instances of CDA R2.1 documents. The stylesheet will be managed as a supporting artifact for CDA R2.1 and will be maintained in the GForge Projects area for Structured Documents.

  • Guiding principles used to manage the project, encourage collaboration, and focus the scope of the content to be included.
    • The PSS sets the scope and boundaries for the project.
    • Community input will be sought by proactively reaching out to groups within HL7 such as the CDA R2.1 development group, the CDA Examples Task Force, other workgroups that have developed CDA IG's and the members of the the SDWG.
    • Meetings will be conducted for gathering feedback

Modus operandi

  • Process outstanding bugs in CDA Stylesheet Bugs in current cda.xsl (status 2018-02-15: done - see version 3.1 here)
  • Check outstanding bugs in new CDA R2.1 stylesheet (status 2018-02-16: done)
  • Process changes in CDA R2.1 in new CDA R2.1 stylesheet (status 2018-02-16: done)
  • Consider feature requests/ideas from other stylesheets done
    • HL7 IPS (source Kai Heitmann - additional language handling)
    • HL7 Australia (source Grahame Grieve)
    • ... (soliciting input here)
  • Update website with updated styleheet and examples done
  • Archive current stylesheet 3.1 and move new sources into place as version 4.0 done

Project Information

Meeting Times Current Agenda

Conference Calls

Technical Team conference call

Meeting time on April 11, 2018 9:00am ET

Default Meeting time is Wednesday morning, 9am ET

Participation Information

Phone Number: +1 (571) 317-3112
Participant Access Code: 247-206-205

Web Meeting Info

Join the Meeting

Agenda Items

Current Agenda - Technical Team

Past Minutes

Working Documents and Resources

Updated CDA R2.0 Stylesheet

Reported issues to address

  • Consider how to support masking of human readable SSN information when the realm is US. (Root for SSN id's is root="2.16.840.1.113883.4.1") Done
  • Modify the style sheet to print the letters of the timezone rather than the UTC offset. Done