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(Updated for October 2010 WGM)
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[[ PHER main page]]
[[ PHER main page]]
== PHER Agenda - working group meeting Cambridge, MA, October 3-8, 2010 ==
Previous Work Group Agenda
=== ''Updated 5 August 2010''===
*Link to other WG agendas for this WGM: [  WGM Agendas]
  [[PHER WG San Antonio -- January 2017]]
== Sunday, 10/3 ==
  [[PHER WG Baltimore-- September 2016]]
*No meeting
== Monday, 10/4 ==
=== Q1 ===
=== Q2 ===
=== Q3 ===
*Welcome and introductions
*Introduction to PHER WG
*Agenda review and plans for the week
  [[PHER WG Montreal -- May 2016]]
*HL7 Ambassador presentations
  [[PHER WG Orlando -- January 2016]]
**Intro to HL7 (10-15 minutes)- Jill
**Meaningful Use  (30 minutes) - Gora
**CCD/CDA (60 minutes) - Keith Boone
=== Q4 ===
*Survey of Public Health Use Cases/Implementation Experiences
*~~split with~~
  [[PHER WG Atlanta -- Oct 2015]]
*HL7 Ambassador presentations
  [[PHER WG Paris -- May 2015]]
**Public Health Lab Reporting (30 minutes) - Austin, Rita
**Public Health Immunization (30 minutes) - Alean
  [[PHER WG San Antonio -- January 2015]]
**Public Health Surveillance (30 minutes)- Anna, Lori
== Tuesday, 10/5 ==
  [[PHER WG Chicago -- September 2014]]
=== Q1 ===
*POIZ - prepare for normative balloting
  [[PHER WG Phoenix -- May 2014]]
=== Q2 ===
*OO hosts: Pharm, Pt Safety, PHER, RCRIM, Medical Devices
  [[PHER WG San Antonio -- January 2014]]
**Common product model
=== Q3 ===
  [[PHER WG Cambridge -- September 2013]]
*EHR hosts:  PHER, SOA, Govt Projects
**Reference Architecture Project
  [[PHER WG Atlanta, GA Agenda - May 2013]]
On this page, currently the draft is at:
  [[PHER WG San Diego, CA Agenda]]
=== Q4 ===
*Patient Safety hosts
**Public health reporting – domain analysis model
  [[ PHER WG Vancouver Agenda]]
== Wednesday, 10/6 ==
=== Q1 ===
  [[PHER WG Baltimore, MD Agenda - September 2012]]
*Pt Care hosts: joint with EC, CBCC, CIC, PHER
=== Q2 ===
  [[PHER WG Phoenix, AZ Agenda - January 2013]]
*EHR hosts: Patient Care, PHER, CIC
**Domain analysis models - using style sheets
=== Q3 ===
*PHER invites: CDS, SD, Pharm
** < tbd >
~~ split with ~~
*EHR invites: PHER  
**Update on VR Functional Profile (US realm)
**Update on International Vital Records Functional Profile
**Update on PH Functional Requirements
=== Q4 ===
*Preparation for POIZ normative balloting or ballot reconciliation
~~ split with ~~
*CIC hosts: PC, PHER
**Discuss DMIM and RMIM Development
== Thursday, 10/7 ==
=== Q1 ===
*Update on VR DAM, PH Functional Requirements and International VR Functional Profile
*~-~split with~-~
*CIC hosts: joint meeting
=== Q2===
*PHER administrative wrap-up
**Determination of proposed schedule for conference calls for next period. 
**Currently: every other Thursday 1600-1730 ET, starting 2 weeks after WGM
**Draft agenda for next WGM
**Ballot and harmonization planning
**Administrative review: M&C, DMP, SWOT, 3-year plan, Project Insight
**New business
*~-~split with~-~
*CIC hosts: joint meeting
=== Q3 ===
*CIC hosts: joint meeting
*~-~split with~-~
*Clinical Statement hosts: joint meeting
=== Q4 ===
*CIC hosts: joint meeting
*~-~split with~-~
*Clinical Statement hosts: joint meeting
== Friday, 10/8 ==
=== Q1 ===
*No meetings
=== Q2 ===
*No meetings
=== Q3 ===
*No meetings
=== Q4 ===
*No meetings

Latest revision as of 12:27, 16 May 2017