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(Agenda for Jan 2007 WGM)
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[[Public_Health_and_Emergency_Response_SIG|PHER main page]]
[[ PHER main page]]
== PHER SIG Agenda - working group meeting San Diego January 7-12, 2007 ==
Previous Work Group Agenda
Updated Wednesday 12/27/06
== Sunday, 1/7 ==
  [[PHER WG San Antonio -- January 2017]]
*No meeting
== Monday, 1/8 ==
  [[PHER WG Baltimore-- September 2016]]
=== Q1 ===
*HL7 plenary
  [[PHER WG Montreal -- May 2016]]
=== Q2 ===
*Joint with OO - v2.x proposals
  [[PHER WG Orlando -- January 2016]]
=== Q3 ===
*PHER HOST: joint session with Pt Safety
  [[PHER WG Atlanta -- Oct 2015]]
*Domain model for exposure
=== Q4 ===
  [[PHER WG Paris -- May 2015]]
*Approval of minutes from Sept 2006
  [[PHER WG San Antonio -- January 2015]]
*Review and approval of agenda
*Update: harmonization - Kristi Eckerson, Joginder Madra
  [[PHER WG Chicago -- September 2014]]
*Conference call schedule
*Ballot reconcilation planning
  [[PHER WG Phoenix -- May 2014]]
*Publishing and tooling; attribute level documentation - Bob Grant
== Tuesday, 1/9 ==
  [[PHER WG San Antonio -- January 2014]]
=== Q1===
*Immunization harmonization
  [[PHER WG Cambridge -- September 2013]]
=== Q2 ===
*RCRIM HOST - joint session with Pt Safety, PHER
  [[PHER WG Atlanta, GA Agenda - May 2013]]
*DAM/BRIDG; domain model for exposure
=== Q3 ===
  [[PHER WG San Diego, CA Agenda]]
*OO HOST - joint session with PHARM, PHER, Pt Safety
*Exposure model; harmonization proposal
=== Q4 ===
*Gov't Projects HOST - joint session with PHER
  [[ PHER WG Vancouver Agenda]]
**''split: ballot reconciliation''
== Wednesday, 1/10 ==
  [[PHER WG Baltimore, MD Agenda - September 2012]]
=== Q1 ===
*Ballot reconciliation
  [[PHER WG Phoenix, AZ Agenda - January 2013]]
=== Q2 ===
*Ballot reconciliation
=== Q3 ===
*Patient Care HOST - joint session with PHER, Pharm, Pt Safety
*Adverse events, allergy and exposure model
=== Q4 ===
*CDA for PH messaging: what do we need?  Extension, constraint, or…?
**''or ballot reconciliation''
== Thursday, 1/11 ==
=== Q1 ===
*Canadian PH messaging
**Case investigation and outbreak models
=== Q2===
*Canadian PH messaging
**Case investigation and outbreak models
=== Q3 ===
*Canadian PH messaging
**Case investigation and outbreak models
=== Q4 ===
== Friday 1/12 ==
=== Q1 ===
*TB messaging - Anita Walden
*Ballot reconciliation
=== Q2 ===
*New business               
*Agenda for next WGM
=== Q3 ===
*No meeting
**''vs. ballot reconciliation''
=== Q4 ===
*No meeting

Latest revision as of 12:27, 16 May 2017