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Chair: ???  Minutes: ???
Chair: ???  Minutes: ???
* Agenda Item
* Agenda Item
= Minutes =
Mon Q3
Mon Q4
- ballot reconciliation - recorded in spreadsheet.
- discusion concerning licensing and the preparation process. Recommendation forwarded to the board.
- Discussion concerning extensions, and how they are managed
- Ballot reconciliation for CPP
Tues Q1
- Ballot reconciliation of connectathon issues - see spreadsheet
Tues Q2
- Discussion conerning publishing and tooling
- both publishing and FHIR project happy with current status
- note concerning the need for an HL7 hosted repository - tooling to adopt this as a future requirement
Tues Q3
- presentation from Ewout Kramer concerning PA resource issues
- discussion around related issues:
  - do we have person and patient?
  - what is core?
  - What about related parties?
  - no decisions where made, but comments were added to the wiki
- the project statement was received
Tues Q4
- tutorial concerning messaging in FHIR
- robust discussion about the reliable messaging part
  - decision to allow one of 3 responses on repeat: original response, current response, or error
  - decision to note that message content to be checked, not just id
  - add this to conformance profile
- INM happy for FHIR to continue with the Messaging stuff, would like to be kept informed

Revision as of 21:14, 11 September 2012


Chesapeake B



Anapolis: Joint w/ ARB

Chair/Minutes = ARB

  • See FGB topics Friday Q3 below as discussion candidates
  • Also FHIR SAIF IG?


Chesapeake A&B

  • Tutorial: Introduction to HL7 FHIR


Executive Boardroom Joint w/ MnM

Chair/Minutes = MnM

  • schedule timeslots & hot topics
  • FHIR admin issues (co-chairs, minutes)


Chesapeake A&B

  • Tutorial: Hands on with FHIR
    • Grahame/Ewout, Lloyd second portion

Constellation EF - HL7 Activities with other SDOs

  • Lloyd 15-20 minute presentation



Convention Center Room 341

  • Tutorial: Introduction to HL7 FHIR
    • Only do this if sufficient interest. Alternatively:
  • Ballot reconcilliation


Convention Center Room 341 Host MnM

Chair=Lloyd Minutes=?


TSC co-chairs presentation



FHIR Connectathon presentation as part of TSC address - Grahame


Constellation C - Host ITS, SOA

Chair: ??? Minutes: ???

  • ?REST and related issues?
  • FHIR Search Parameters
    • What are the conformance expectations?
    • Where should new ones be defined – profile or conformance statement?
    • Should we support sorting? How?


Constellation C - Host Tooling, V3 pubs

Chair: ??? Minutes: ???

  • FHIR tooling & publication issues
    • How to manage publication process, ballot cycle
    • Transition of FHIR tools to Tooling oversight
    • Others?
  • FHIR microdata


Constellation C - Host Patient Administration

Chair: ??? Minutes: ???


Constellation C - Host InM, ITS

Chair: ??? Minutes: ???

  • Message resource



Constellation C - Host ITS

Chair: ??? Minutes: ???


Constellation C - Host Vocabulary

Chair: Lloyd Minutes: ???


Constellation C - Host OO

Chair: ??? Minutes: ???

  • Diagnostic data/reports
  • OO-sponsored resources?


Baltimore - Joint Health Care Devices

Chair: Grahame Minutes: ???

  • Device & data registries



Constellation C - Host CGIT, Templates

Chair: ??? Minutes: ???


Constellation C - Host Patient Care, Templates

Chair: ??? Minutes: ???

  • Care resources
  • Use of organizers/summary lists FHIR Workflow resources
  • If PC and Templates don't come (as is likely, given they haven't got this listed as joint), we'll do ballot reconcilliation


Constellation C - Host Structured Documents

Chair: ??? Minutes: ???


Constellation C - SAIF Architecture Program

Chair: ??? Minutes: ???

  • FHIR-related SAIF issues



Constellation C - Host Pharmacy WG

Chair: ??? Minutes: ???

  • Pharmacy resources & extensions


Constellation C - Host MnM

Chair: ??? Minutes: ???


Constellation C - governance (& management?) groups

Chair: ??? Minutes: ???


Constellation C - governance (& management?) groups

Chair: ??? Minutes: ???

  • Agenda Item


Mon Q3

Mon Q4 - ballot reconciliation - recorded in spreadsheet. - discusion concerning licensing and the preparation process. Recommendation forwarded to the board. - Discussion concerning extensions, and how they are managed - Ballot reconciliation for CPP

Tues Q1 - Ballot reconciliation of connectathon issues - see spreadsheet

Tues Q2 - Discussion conerning publishing and tooling - both publishing and FHIR project happy with current status - note concerning the need for an HL7 hosted repository - tooling to adopt this as a future requirement

Tues Q3 - presentation from Ewout Kramer concerning PA resource issues - discussion around related issues:

 - do we have person and patient?
 - what is core?
 - What about related parties?
 - no decisions where made, but comments were added to the wiki

- the project statement was received

Tues Q4 - tutorial concerning messaging in FHIR - robust discussion about the reliable messaging part

 - decision to allow one of 3 responses on repeat: original response, current response, or error
 - decision to note that message content to be checked, not just id
 - add this to conformance profile

- INM happy for FHIR to continue with the Messaging stuff, would like to be kept informed