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| width="100%" align="left" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Actions''' ''
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* Russ: citation for AAAI vaccine guidance  
* Russ: citation for AAAI vaccine guidance  
* Jay: request 'allergy history unknown' concept
* Jay: request 'allergy history unknown' concept from NLM
* Jay: reach out to contributors to plan maintenance process
* Jay: reach out to contributors to begin planning maintenance process
* Jay: author VSAC value sets; Susan, Rob, or Rob: approve
* Jay: author VSAC value sets
* All: review VSAC value sets after publication
* All: review VSAC value sets after publication
* Susan, Rob, or Rob: approve

Revision as of 21:25, 25 April 2018

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Meeting Information

HL7 Negation Requirements Meeting Minutes

Location: Phone

Date: 2018-25-11
Time: 5:00-6:00 ET
Facilitator Jay Lyle Note taker(s) Jay Lyle
Attendee Name Affiliation

y Jay Lyle JP Systems / VA
Russ Leftwich
Elaine Ayres
Stephen Chu
George Dixon
y Sue Kent
Nancy Orvis
y Yanyan Hu


Agenda Topics

  1. planning


Minutes/Conclusions Reached:

  1. We'll meet on 5/9
  2. Document: no further feedback. Will vote to publish next PC meeting (5/9 if quorum or WGM TQ4).
  3. VSAC: we now have roles. I'll add the lists. Review discussion on the 9th.
  4. CCDA: tomorrow. ask
    1. 'minimum' set?
    2. "should"?
    3. CDA uses negation indicator, so we'll recommend the grouping set without negation
  5. FHIR: enter tracker
    1. for core - example?
    2. for us core - preferred or extensible?
  6. fda: reports ready, but no list or api provided. Will ask again before publishing; won't rush to get in in this iteration.
  7. [not discussed] rumored USP value set not found in VSAC.

Meeting Outcomes

  • Russ: citation for AAAI vaccine guidance
  • Jay: request 'allergy history unknown' concept from NLM
  • Jay: reach out to contributors to begin planning maintenance process
  • Jay: author VSAC value sets
  • All: review VSAC value sets after publication
  • Susan, Rob, or Rob: approve

Next Meeting/Preliminary Agenda Items
  • Vote to publish
  • Maintenance schedule

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