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V3 Publishing ConCall Minutes 20090225

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Minutes of Recent Publishing Conference Calls

Wednesday, February 25, 2009 -- 4:00 PM Eastern


Beeler, Kreisler, Lloyd, Seppala, Stechishin


Quorum was not attained so the following are discussion notes as opposed to formal meeting minutes.

Review Minutes of February 18, 2009

Postponed due to lack of quorum.

SVN and Publishing

Pursuant to the motion of last meeting in this item: Andy will post a note to Wilfred and tooling to request password protection for read access to v3-ballot-pkg, v2-ballot-pkg and v3-editions; Woody will consult with V2 editors and T3SD

Note Vocab thread re: Realms

This item can be dropped from future agendas

Complete Vocab in RMIM Designer BETA

Woody did preview/demo of the just completed changes and fixes to the RMIM Designer. The group was very appreciative of Woody's efforts.

Notes from Don Lloyd

  • Notice of Intent to Ballot
    • waiting on addition NIB from MIDA
    • 33 ballots in the current pool
    • 2 are affirmation ballots
    • 2 are ISO ballots
      1. Align version 1.1 of the EHR functional model with ISO
      2. ICSR draft initial standard ballot, balloting will open on the current cycle but not close until the September cycle
    • 8 are new normative ballots
    • 7 are continuations of previous normative ballots
    • 11 are dstu ballots
  • Next deadline
    • initial ballot content - March 1

Around the Table

  • Gregg
    • ready to stage for the May ballot however there are no Personnel Management CMETs in the normative edition area in the subversion repository, Woody will correct
    • Patient Administration will be updating the scheduling CMETs, Gregg prefers that the directories in SVN be pre-populated and Gregg will identify what needs to be changed

Call Finished at 4:53 PM EST