V3 Publishing ConCall Minutes 20080903
Return to Publishing Work Group
Minutes of Recent Publishing Conference Calls
Wednesday, September 3, 2008 -- 4:00 PM Eastern
Beeler, Harding, Kreisler, Logan, Nelson, Lloyd, Seppala
Revise Work Group Mission & Charter Document and Planning Documents
Reviewed and revised a set of documents to summarize the role and plans for the V3 Publishing group. These documents are posted under the Publishing Toolkit Project on Gforge. The documents include:
Revised Work Group Mission & Charter Statement
This document was created by updating the existing Mission & Charter statement to reflect the current HL7 structure, but none of the key responsibilities, functions or work products was altered. This document supports the whole Publishing Work Group and will be forwarded to the V2 publishing team for their concurrence. The motion was made by Harding, seconded by Nelson and approved unanimously.
Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats Summary for V3 Publishing
This document supports the V3 Publishing effort. The motion was made by Harding, seconded by Kreisler and approved unanimously.
V3 Publishing Strategic Plan
This document supports the V3 Publishing effort. The motion was made by Harding, seconded by Seppala and approved unanimously.
Adjourned at 5:15 Eastern
Future Business
- Discussion of the notion of separating Publishing into individual V2 and V3 Work Groups