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V3 Publishing ConCall Minutes 20061025
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Minutes of Publishing Conference Call 20061025
Attendees: Beeler, Nelson, Lloyd, Loyd, Seppala, Madra, Evans, Connor, Juurlink, Kreisler, Julian,
- Approved Revised agenda
- GWB presented basics of new "widget" in both the PubDb and DesignRepository that will help committees add realm code to all identifiers. New PubDb and DesignRepositories that include this were released on 10/24/2006.
- Don Lloyd provided a spreadsheet of received Intent to Ballot notices received. We reviewed these all for omissions and coordination. Each of the flagged items was noted and actions assigned to individuals to follow up on all noted exceptions.
In discussion, we agreed to add a Publishing Action Item -- assigned to Don Lloyd, Woody Beeler & Helen Stevens to review the process -- align the forms -- and simplify wherever possible. Deadline will be a handout at next WGM. (In reponse to comments from Spronk & James. GWB will add action item.)
Noted that the presence of seventy (70) ballot pools will cause interesting "debates" at the next WGM!!!> - Discussion of a "philosophical policy" in regards to how far back change markers should look. For example, should not a Normative Release 2, going to Membership ballot show everything that has changed since it was last released as Release 1? Or should not a Normative Release 1, show everything that has changed since the content was last published as a DSTU? The current alternative is to show everything that changed since the last cycle. This needs discussion on the list. There is probably an action item (not agreed) to foster feedback from voters on this item, plus on the number of pools.
- Around the table - nada
- Adjourn
Respectfully submitted -- Woody Beeler