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V2 Errata:XTN data type

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V2 Errata:XTN data type

Opened  20051129 
Assigned to: Scott Robertson
Was action item ITEM: 1029

XTN data type problem in v2.5 and v2.5.1 [v2 errata]

Opened 20051129 from e-mail from Alberto Sáez  Torres

In the Data Type Chapter, the components table for XTN (Extended Telecommunication Number) doesn't correspond with the text description. Page 2-239.

  • 20051129, Doug Pratt, V2
  • 20060104: J Larson. The component table and narrative are correct in v.6. There was a formating/numbering problem in v2.5. Component 5 should have been "Country", but it inadvertently got embedded in the note for compoent 4. Is this ready to be closed or should we consider noting an erratum for v2.5? Email sent to A Torres.
  • 20060710: D Pratt, take up with ARB.
  • 2006-09-12: Tony Julian to find out who maintains the errata list tomorrow am.
  • 2006-11-20: Tony Julian sent e-mail to HL7 HQ requesting information.
  • 20070326: Tony Julian - Email sent again:

As the outcome of several e-mail messages,from Alberto Sáez Torres 1. (INM Item 1029)The components table for XTN datatype does not correspond with the text in V2.5, and V2.5.1. 2. (INM Item 1058)The table associated with the NA datatype, Chapter 1.A.45, is wrong, and should be updated in v2.5 and v2.5.1.

What is the process for errata? and how does HL7 publish same?

  • 20070702: Telcon : Scott will send to HQ, and ask them to publish.
  • 20070726 Scott: question sent to HL7 HQ
  • 20080114: WGM: Closed - errate published with V2.6