V2.7 Replacement ofUB92 with UB04 and verbage in chapter 6
v2.7 Replacement ofUB92 with UB04 and verbage in chapter 6• Resolution from FM TC 2/19/08 call: Motion: o Remove the history ( "Prior to V2.6, this segment was published as a UB-82 specific segment, but has been widely implemented for usage with UB-82 and/or UB-92 data. With the publication of the UB-92 (in 1992) and the HIPAA requirements in the US (2004), this segment is technically no longer applicable for the UB-82 which is no longer in use. ") and replace the sentence " other realms may choose to implement using regional code sets" with "Realms outside US are referred to chapter 16 " Made: Joann Larson Second: June Rosploch o Motion carried 7-0-0 • Motion: o Withdraw UB1-2, 20,21,22,23 and any other fields that fits the citeria for withdrawing ( V 2.5.1 and earlier) Made: Joann Larson Second: June Rosploch o Motion carried 6-0-0 • Motion: o Language cleanup, replace UB92 with the term "uniform billing" Made: Joann Larson Second: June Rosploch