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Trauma Registry Minutes 5 August 2014

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  • Chrystal Caden-Price, ACS
  • Melanie Neal, ACS
  • Jay Lyle, Ockham, PM
  • Abdul-Malik Shakir, Hi3 Systems
  • Sarah Ryan, Ockham
  • Richard Hale, ESO Solutions
  • John Bennet, Lancet Technology
  • Grant Dittmer, Digital Innovations
  • Dave Karres, CDM
  • Jody Summers, CDM
  • Troy Whipple, ImageTrend
  • Michael
  • Clay Mann, NEMSIS TAC


  • review of message & design decisions
    • If there is no visit information, use nulls. May send all fields in section if desired, or null the top: it can cascade. DI can digest either.
    • IDs
      • Set ID (event): root = ACS OID + ".4." + facilityID + ".1"; extension = patient ID
      • Document ID (instance or version of document): root = ACS OID + ".4." + facilityID + ".2"; extension = text, unspecified but unique
      • Effective time: last modified date
      • Version number: do not use
    • Some facility IDs identify more than one facility
      • This is a governance issue, not a design issue, unless there is a requirement to represent groups of facilities.
    • Use GNIS for state, county, & location. GNIS incorporates FIPS for state and county. Send 5-digit for county: ACS can strip out state if desired.
      • That’s NEMSIS: ACS still uses FIPS for city. Open issue.
    • We can use address part type codes for coded address part observations; no need for LOINC codes. Still need OIDs.
    • Add minutes to age units
    • Need to make the specification open.
      • To allow nulls
      • To allow adoption of future values prior to their adoption
    • Require time zone offset
    • Facility is custodian of clinical data. Submitter is author of document. These are usually the same; sometimes distinct.
    • Add statuscode to Organizers in guide
    • Example file: assigned author should use organization; remove TBDs
  • transition planning
    • We see a 2017 timeframe for supporting CDA submissions
      • ACS issues: Selecting appropriate version, Ability to validate, Patient-based submission process not yet determined, What does it take to update the standard to a current dictionary, ballot
      • Whether to update to 2015: open question
        • Confirm change list (6 new, 2 change?) see change log on site
        • (note 2015 does not reflect harmonization: airbag, protective devices, child specific restraint, payment, disposition)
        • Tentative goal: 2017 submission of 2016 dictionary
      • Consider including version of standard in document? No; just use incident date.
      • Question: new template ID or put version date in extension?
      • Should the CDA guide include the business rules currently in the dictionary?
      • Look into feasibility of publishing terminology at VSAC.
        • Confirm resources availability with ACS
        • Also knowledge transfer for future maintenance
  • Maintenance planning
    • Dictionary revised annually. Goal is to reduce that frequency.
    • Midterm changes rare.
    • Still have to support latest standard version.
  • Testing
    • Validator bug prevents DI validation during meeting
    • Updated sample to validate against xsd
    • Distributed schematron; sample not yet valid per schematron
    • Jay to complete sample--all elements to be present
    • May be possible to use SmartCDA to test terminology
  • Next
    • Meetings will continue, same time
    • Issues: post to wiki (or mail Jay)

Open Action Items

  • Jay: Confirm AAAM solution with LOINC

Look into feasibility of publishing terminology at VSAC.

Closed Action Items