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Trauma Registry Minutes 28 April 2014

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  • Jay Lyle, Ockham, PM
  • ImageTrend: Troy Whipple
  • ACS: Chrystal Caden-Price
  • Digital Innovations: Grant Ditmer
  • CDM: Jody Summers
  • ESO: Andy Brown
    David Karres


  • Time change
  • Previous minutes
  • Schedule
  • GForge
  • Review header


  • Time change will take effect next meeting, 5/12
  • Previous minutes OK
  • Schedule: we're making good progress, and will bump the schedule up.
    • 4/28: header: patient (ImageTrend)
    • 5/12: subentries 6.1 (observation); section/entry structure (CDM)
    • 5/26: subentries 6.3 - 6.8 (observations) (ESO)
    • 6/9: subentry 6.2, 6.10 (encounter); 6.18 (transport) (Lancet?)
    • 6/23: subentry 6.11-6.16 (observation & procedure)
    • 7/14: subentry 6.9, 6.17, 6.19, 6.20 (misc.)
    • 7/28:

Open Action Items

  • Jay - determine whether sections must be sent in order
  • Jay - confirm context control unnecessary
  • Jay - confirm address part data types, use of FIPS & GNIS
  • Chrystal - send Doodle poll for August meeting
  • Team - log into tracker, make sure you can enter issues
  • Team - generate a draft "level 1" document (non-xml body) for next meeting

Closed Action Items