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Trauma Registry Minutes 23 June 2014

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  • Jay Lyle, Ockham, PM
  • Sarah Ryan, Ockham
  • Chrystal Price, ACS
  • David Karres, CDM
  • Andy Brown, ESO
  • Troy Whipple, ImageTrend
  • Jody Summers, CDM


  • Status of generated data
  • August agenda
  • Review document changes
  • Workflow and versioning


  • Generated data
    • We should be able to have generated instances for testing at the August meeting - CDM, ImageTrend
  • August agenda
    • a.m.: review of design decisions & issues
    • p.m.: test generated instances against DI receiver; distinguish bugs from design issues; agree on solutions to design issues
  • Versioning
    • Initial version submitted by facility
      • <id root="2.16.840.1.113883.19.1" extension="2086823449"/>
      • <effectiveTime value="201401011600-0500"/>
      • <versionNumber value="1"/> optional
    • DI may return error messages (out of scope of CDA specification)
    • Update
      • <id root="2.16.840.1.113883.19.1" extension="2086823449"/> same document
      • <effectiveTime value="201401021300-0500"/> last modified date (cda spec is silent on this, but we need it)
      • <versionNumber value="2"/> new version
    • Submitting facility may use NTDB web interface to tag submitted documents "final" or "approved"; this is also outside of the scope of the CDA specification
  • Sample review
    • In sample data, "biu" is a null flavor (blank, inapplicable, unknown, or something like that)
  • Schedule:
    • 4/28: header: patient (ImageTrend)
    • 5/12: subentries 6.1 (observation); section/entry structure (CDM)
    • 5/27: subentries 6.3 - 6.8 (observations) (ESO)
    • 6/9: subentry 6.2, 6.10 (encounter); 6.18 (transport) (Lancet)
    • 6/23: workflow & versioning
    • 7/14: subentry 6.11-6.16 (observation & procedure) (Ockham)
    • 7/28: subentry 6.9, 6.17, 6.19, 6.20 (misc.)

Open Action Items

  • Jay to forward most current file to the group
  • AMS - republish the guide with LOINC values (and changes identified in log)
  • Jay - identify correct value sets for FIPS/GNIS
  • Team - log into tracker, make sure you can enter issues

Closed Action Items