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Trauma Registry Minutes 11 August 2014
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- Jay Lyle, Ockham, PM
- Sarah Ryan, Ockham
- Chrystal Caden-Price, ACS
- Grant Dittmer, DI
- Andy Brown, ESO
- Troy Whipple, Jeremy, ImageTrend
- John Bennet,
- Clay Mann, NEMSIS
1. Grant – update 2. Implementation Guide with schematron, AMS 3. Address OIDS 4. AOB
- FAQ is up; please review
- Grant reports DI validator is up & has received 2 submissions since Friday.
- Remember that Hospital Admission effectiveTime is critical to let the validator know which version to use in validating
- Grant will keep the table on the wiki updated so submitters know which fields have been implemented
- One submitter got the "client value for channel" error; DI looking into it
- Testing
- Schema fit in process; Jay to have full example by end of month
- Schematron errors will also be addressed
- Some seem to be errors within schematron implementation; we'll keep a list and a) clarify & fix error in example, b) fix error in schematron, or c) keep a list of schematron errors to ignore
- contextControlCode: CDA says immutable elements are not required; a receiver can infer them. But schematron doesn't seem to know that. Example file will specify these values.
- templateId: schematron looking for an element value, but value is in @root. Can Trifolia represent this, or does it go in list (c)?
- assigned author: represented organization not required by CDA but by schematron.
- Some seem to be errors within schematron implementation; we'll keep a list and a) clarify & fix error in example, b) fix error in schematron, or c) keep a list of schematron errors to ignore
- Terminology
- Address codes: follow NEMSIS & use GNIS
- Discharge: ED will be different, but hospital will look very similar to NEMSIS. NEMSIS actually gets these instance values from the hospital, so their constraint is actually only informative.
Open Action Items
- Grant send Jay table; Jay put on wiki; Grant keep "implemented in DI validator" column up to date
- Jay complete example (all fields, validating)
- Team: continue submission & iterative development
- Ockham: provide updated guide by 8/17 (all known changes except possibly AAAM code)