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Templates January 2007, San Diego, CA

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This page is for planning of the Templates Agenda for the January WGM. Suggestions:


Monday Q1 - (no meeting)

  • (note that there will not be a Q1 - General session on the Strategic Initiative)

Monday Q2

Monday Q3 - Joint With Patient Care (Patient Care Hosting) - Mark

  • Review OpenEhr Template document with Patient Care - Mark

Monday Q4 - Joint with MnM (MnM Hosting) - Mark

  • "As a follow up to Friday's MnM call on constraints, we would like to set up a joint meeting on the topic at San Diego with MnM hosting INM and Templates." - Craig Parker
  • MnM has this joint meeting on its agenda. INM representatives (ambassadors) will be present at this joint meeting.


Tuesday Q1 - Mark (chair)

  • CEN/ISO/HL7 Templates

Tuesday Q2

  • openEHR Template requirements - Dipak

Tuesday Q3 - (no meeting)

Tuesday Q4 - (no meeting)


Wednesday Q1 - Russ (chair)

  • Ballot reconcilliation

Wednesday Q2 - Russ (chair)

  • Ballot reconcilliation

Wednesday Q3 - Galen (chair)

  • Ballot reconcilliation

Wednesday Q4 - Galen (chair)

  • CEN 13606 v3 Implementation - Charlie McCay (to be confirmed)
  • UML ITS impact on Templates - Grahame Grieve (to be rescheduled)


Thursday Q1

  • Walkthrough of the NHS CfH Implementation of Templates - Ian

Thursday Q2

  • Tom White - Assesment Instruments

Thursday Q3 - (no meeting)

Thursday Q4 - (no meeting)


Friday Q1 - (no meeting)

Friday Q2 - (no meeting)

Friday Q3 - Joint with Detailed Clinical Models (Templates hosting) - Craig/Galen (chair)

Friday Q4 - Joint with Detailed Clinical Models (Templates hosting) - Craig/Galen (chair)