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Stage IB Project Page

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CDISC HL7 Project Page | Stage 2 Page

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Main Document

This document contains the business case, storyboards and will point at the Domain Analysis Models (DAMs) and the maps from the DAM to BRIDG and from the DAM to the message RMIMs. The document is work in progress and the lastest is available via the link Media:Stage IB Content.doc.

Domain Analysis Models

The project will create, in addition to the content already in the main document, the following:

  1. A DAM for each of the messages to be produced. The scope of the DAM is the scope of the message
  2. A map from the DAM to BRIDG. This is for gap analysis purposes so as to allow BRIDG to be updated with all content within the messages and to ensure that the messages are aligned with each other
  3. A map from the DAM to the RMIM for each message. This is being produced to allow non-HL7 folks to understand how we got to what we have in the messages.

Study Participation


JPEG of the DAM created from Enterprise Architect Media:StudyParticipationDAM.jpg

DAM Mappings

See the working documents below.

Working Documents

This zip file contains the spreadsheet developed by Mitra Rocca (Novartis) and updated by Diane Wold (GSK) for the Vancouver face-to-face meeting and contains a map from BRIDG to the RMIM in the September ballot. This zip file contains two spreadsheets developed by Smita Hastak (NCI) mapping the message RMIM to BRIDG and one that contains both draft DAM to BRIDG mapping and a DAM to RMIM mapping

Study Design


To be made available shortly

DAM Mappings

To be made available sometime in the next millenium

Working Documents

The following documents have been put together by the Study Design Modeling Team:

Subject Data

Story Boards

Subject Data Story Boards

DELETED Subject Data Story Boards because these are regulatory use cases


To be made available shortly

DAM Mappings

To be made available shortly


2009 Stage I-B Meeting Minutes

2008 Stage I-B Meeting Minutes

2007 Stage I-B Meeting Minutes

Other Documents

Arlington Face-to-Face Meeting

Powerpoint file from the meeting. Contains the notes made.