September 5, 2014 Financial Management Work Group Conference Call
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Conference Call Schedule
- Occurs on Fridays, beginning January 2014 @4:00 pm, Eastern Time (New York, GMT-04:00)
- Phone Number: +1 770-657-9270 Participant Passcode: 686300# (alternative for US if the first number doesn't work: +1 888-321-4501)
Member Name | Present | |
Kathleen Connor Co-chair | x | |
Beat Heggli Co-chair | ||
Paul Knapp Co-chair | x | |
Lorraine Constable | x | |
Oscar Gatson | ||
Lloyd McKenzie | ||
Mary Kay McDaniel | ||
Ken McCaslin | x | |
Dmytro Rud | ||
Andy Stechishin | x | |
Serafina Versaggi| | | ||
Jay Zimmerman |
Sept 5, 2014 Call Agenda Topics
Presiding Cochair: Paul Knapp
- (05 min) Attendance. August 29 2014 Minutes and agenda approval.
- (20 min) FHIR Security Labels and Consent Directive Issues relating to patient financial information
- (20 min) FHIR FM Development Work Session: Paul to lead continued PFR Resource Development.
- (10) Review of SSSD PSS voting items.
- (05 min) Other Business and Action Item Review
RE: Approval of agenda and minutes & vote on SSSD item
Motion | Moved | Second | Affirm | Abstain | Opposed | |
Approval of agenda and August 29, 2014 Minutes and decision to postpone FM WG Friday calls until September 26. |
Lorraine |
Andy |
4 |
0 |
0 |
RE FHIR Financial Management Resources Work Session:
- Ken McCaslin presented the OO proposal and briefing paper on the proposal.
- This is a proposal to V2.8.2 and the eDOS (electronic Director of Service from lab to provider’s EHR system) Implementation Guide.
- [1] This adds a new message and new segments (IN4 Payer Plan Identifier and DPS – Diagnosis and Procedure code) to V2 Chapter 8.
WG discussed publishing options: (1) Add new IN-4 segment to the Master File chapter only or (2) add new IN-4 segment to Chapter 6, and reference or repeat in Chapter 8.
Ken moved, and Andy seconded that the WG approved the proposal with expectation that OO receive guidance from Publishing for best approach for including new material in v.2.8.2. Motion approved 4-0-0
- Paul walked through the latest developments including the proposed PFR Status Request/Response Resources. WG discussed setting up the build environment to validate the models and process for creating the FHIR Resource proposals to meet the Sept. 29th deadline for submission to FMG.
- Made changes in the WGM Agenda in light of new conflicting meeting commitments among key participants. Need to move the CCDA Coverage Activity Issue discussion to a 30 minute block Thursday Q2 or Q3 during joint with PA. Lisa Nelson and Emma Jones would like to discuss the following:
1. Clarification of CoverageActivity a. Provide clear explanation of the use of CoverageActivity clinical statement 2. Clarification of PolicyActivity a. Provide clear explanation of the purpose of the various entryRelationships in policyActivity. For example, what goes in responsibleParty entry relationship? b. Why does policyActivity contain @code and code using the same value set – what is the purpose for this? c. Questions about guarantor - We need a definition of what a guarantor is in relationship to the policy – i.e. how does a guarantor relate to the policyActivity? The guarantor is used for what? Also, what happens if there are multiple guarantors (e.g. both parents)? What about the guarantor for the patient? Is there differentiation between guarantor for the patient and policy? Does policies have guarantors? 3. How do you simply document who the insurer is at a certain point in time? 4. How do you document when there are multiple insurers and which order should they be in (i.e. primary, secondary, tertiary, etc) 5. The entryRelationship for the authorization is not complete. Action Item - continue discussion on interim calls until the Sept WGM unless cancelled on the list.