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September 2009 WGM Agenda CBCC Wednesday Q2

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Community-Based Collaborative Care Working Group


  1. Suzanne Gonzales-Webb
  2. Frieda Hall
  3. Ray Krasinski
  4. Nancy LeRoy
  5. Rob McClure
  6. Ray Krasinski
  7. Richard Thoreson co-chair
  8. Serafina Versaggi Scribe
  9. Max Walker co-chair


Project Insight

Frieda Hall – Project Services Chair

  • Project Services Work Group has been chartered by the TSC to encourage project management approaches within HL7
  • Purpose of today's session is to review what is currently entered into Project Insight for the CBCC
  • Project Insight – PM Tool used by HL7. You can find the Project Insight link on the HL7 Home Page (bottom of page under Find a Resource/Search current projects from Project Insight)
  • Need to log into Project Insight to add/update projects in the database
  • Co-Chairs have been assigned specific logins for Project Insight (a single generic login per Work Group)
    • Action Item: Frieda to send the login to the project chairs since Max, Richard and Suzanne are unaware of theirs. Ioana has been updating the database for CBCC
  • Once yearly, each Work Group should go through their Mission, Charter, Three-Year Plan and SWOT analysis
  • Identify Project, Publishing and Modeling facilitators
  • Tactical stuff goes into the Three-Year plan, strategic stuff goes in the Mission statement and Charter
  • Guidelines for the Three-Year plan have been published by Lynn Laasko and sent to the all co-chairs list
  • Things that Work Groups plan to accomplish over the next three years, but which aren’t active projects belong on the Three-Year plan. Once they become active projects, they drop off and move to the Project section in Project Insight
  • Some groups create separate project scope statements for each iterative ballot cycle; others do only one and their ballots are their deliverable dates (informative, DSTU, normative, etc.).
  • The Mission and Charter should be posted on the work Group’s Web Page.
  • Updated Three-Year Plan and SWOT analysis should be sent to the PMO
    • Three-Year Plan also entered into Project Insight. This allows other Work Groups to know what is projected for future ballots and provides information for group collaboration
  • Enhancements to Project Insight will be implemented next week and information on updates will be published in eNews.

New Projects

Health Care Community Services and Provider Directory Services

  • Only three comments on the ballot; one comment raised a big issue. The draft has numerous references to the HL7 standard throughout the document and the SOA Work Group requested those references be removed. There is disagreement within the organization about this comment. There is a task to resolve this issue within the next couple of weeks working with SOA and a number of other Work Groups since this comment impacts many other areas as well

Dynamic Management of Primary Care Processes Service

  • David Rowed from Australia is responsible for this project, but was unable to attend this meeting. Max presented
  • Scope statement brought to Atlanta to gain acceptance, establish ownership, etc., Scope statement will be submitted soon
  • Patient Care is the owner (this was agreed to during Q1 today)
  • Project takes a SOA approach. The intent is to specify functionality that supports sending messages across enterprises and workflow between component processes in the Primary Care setting. This is also the communication approach envisioned to be used in the US domain between Health Information Exchanges (HIE). The intent is to make this a global effort – communication across realms
  • Currently looking to see this project doesn’t duplicate efforts underway in other groups and organizations (HL7, HITSP). As a result of this investigation, the scope will probably change


  • First approved SAEAF project
  • Pulls together the Security and Privacy DAMs as well as other efforts
  • Security and SOA are listed as sponsors
    • CBCC should also be listed as a co-sponsor
    • SAMHSA is providing some of the funding as there is a special interest to ensure Privacy concerns are well represented
    • Action Item: Richard to speak with Don Jorgenson about updating the PASS-Alpha project in Project Insight to add CBCC as a co-sponsor

Security Domain Analysis Model

  • Project Scope accepted; informative ballot to be ready January 2010

Composite Privacy Consent Directive Domain Analysis Model

  • Privacy Consent DAM is in its second ballot review. This version based on analysis performed for earlier V3 message-based work for Consent Directives
  • There is a close relationship between the Security and Composite Privacy DAM projects and the PASS-Alpha project. These projects are dependent on each other

CDA Implementation Guide

  • Structure Documents, CBCC, and Child Health Work Groups are co-sponsors for this project
  • Project is intended to support the management of Consent Directives and Policies and supports the multiple representations of a Consent Directive as a narrative, signed document (wet signature) and computable statements/entries using standard-based terminology
  • Scope statement for CDA is complete and has been approved but needs to be entered into Project Insight
    • Ioana included the CDA Implementation Guide under the Privacy Consent DAM. This specification makes use of concepts identified in the Composite Privacy Consent Directive DAM, but it is recognized these are separate projects.
    • Action Item: Ioana will update Project Insight to remove the CDA Implementation Guide from the Composite Privacy Consent directive DAM

Three-Year Plan and SWOT Updates

Ioana, please insert links to 3-year plan and SWOT documents here as well

  • Q3 agenda – Composite Privacy DAM ballot resolution

If there is time, we will continue SWOT and Three-Year plan updates but these updates can be done on a conference call if time does not permit

Meeting adjourned at noon EST. No significant decisions or motions made

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