SAIF-AD Minutes 20110708
Minutes of group undertaking Category:SAIF Artifact Definition
Attendees and Minutes
Brian Davis, Lloyd McKenzie, Lorraine Constable, Patrick Loyd, Woody Beeler
Approved Minutes of 6/17 - Beeler/Loyd unanimous
Behavioral Artifacts
Discussion of state and desire for "listing" (only) the kinds of behavioral artifacts that will need to be defined.
P Loyd noted that they (he and Lorraine for OO) are beginning to look at behavioral patterns, but are basing them on the first actual specification that can then be generalized to a pattern.
What are the distinctions between a pattern of behavior and a specific set of interactions? Lloyd M's notion is a full pattern that WGs then subscribe to portions of in building their specific interaction specifications.
When does OO perceive they will reach a preliminary deliverable - P Loyd 2 months - something concrete by San Diego.
Need to Reinvigorate Participation
LM will follow up.