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RCRIM Withdrawal Request and Decission Making Practices

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Return to RCRIM Electronic Voting page


Poll Created: Mon 12/10/2012 9:28 AM

Poll Closed: December 12, 2012 10:00 PM

Survey Monkey Link



1. What is your name?

2. Do you vote to approve the change to the Decision Making Practice to reduce quorum from 8 plus a co-chair to 4 plus a co-chair. See document at RCRIM Decision Making Practices




3. Enter any comment you may have on the Decision Making Practices

4. Do you vote to approve the request to withdraw the CDISC to Message Study Design standard. See document at: Request to Withdraw CDISC to Message Study Design




5. Enter any comment you may have on the withdrawal of the CDISC to Message Study Design Standard

Voting Tally on Decission Making Practices

Name Affirmative Negative Abstain
Koji Shomoto x
AbdulMalik Shakir x
Rebecca Kush x
Edward Helton x
Myron Finseth x
Renee Dukeshire x
Frank Faunce x
Scott Getzin x
John Speakman x
Norman Gregory x
Julie Evans x
Wayne Kubick x
Armando Oliva x
James Hage x
Steve Ward x
Jason Rock x
Totals 8 8 0

Comments on Decision Making Practice

Steve Ward

I would rather have broader awareness of votes by forcing them to be conducted by electronic voting with email notification than to have such a small number of people vote on behalf of RCRIM.

Wayne Kubick

4 is far too small a group to make decisions.

Renee Dukeshire

I believe that 4 is too small for a quorum.

Rebecca Kush

For a workgroup the size of RCRIM, 4 plus a co-chair is far too small for a quorum

AbdulMalik Shakir

It is important that the phrase: "where no single organization or party represents more than a simple majority of the voting Work Group membership
for that meeting" be maintained.

Voting Tally on Request for Withdrawal of Standard

Name Affirmative Negative Abstain
Koji Shomoto x
AbdulMalik Shakir x
Rebecca Kush x
Edward Helton x
Myron Finseth x
Renee Dukeshire x
Frank Faunce x
Scott Getzin x
John Speakman x
Norman Gregory x
Julie Evans x
Wayne Kubick x
Armando Oliva x
James Hage x
Steve Ward x
Jason Rock x
Totals 14 0 2

Comments on Request for Withdrawal of Standard
