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Product Quality Plan Project - TSC

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HL7 Product Quality Plan Project

Project Sponsor: TSC

Description: The scope of this project is aimed at providing a clear HL7 Product Quality Plan and a strategy for implementing that plan. The Quality Plan and its implementation strategy will be created under the auspices of the TSC. The project will identify and document the current HL7 quality processes and outline an agreed quality process that will deliver HL7 standards of requisite quality. Standards are the primary product this plan will focus on.

It is the intent of this project to identify those quality process steps that share the following features:

  • Enable creation of consistent, high quality HL7 standards products, where innovation is encouraged within a regime of managed change
  • Minimize the impact on HL7’s volunteer workforce, avoiding making their jobs tougher
  • Utilize SAIF ECCF and Governance Framework to enhance the quality of HL7 products

The HL7 Product Quality Plan should include the following:

  • Identification/documentation of existing quality processes
  • What actually happens as opposed to what should happen and why?
  • Identify qualitative criteria and, where possible, quantitative metrics to measure quality (as fitness for purpose) of HL7 standards
  • Impact assessment of quality plan on tooling
  • Communication Plan to increase awareness product quality
  • Change management policy and a minimum of required process
  • Configuration management plan
  • Education plan for training HL7 members on producing quality HL7 standards
  • Identify new quality steps that address known issues
  • Implementation Plan for implementing the product quality plan (including budget)
  • Assess the feasibility of alignment with applicable quality standards such as ISO 9000 series'

One of the first tasks will be to identify the specific quality issues with that the plan will address. The issues identified in Project Need section should be considered as a starter set, but is not an exhaustive list.

Project Scope Statement 2011JAN_PSS_TSC_AKreisler_ProductQualityPlan.doc

Project Meetings

Project Documents

Project documents are located at: Product Quality Project