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Packaging of Vocabulary with Static Models

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Original Message-----

From: Charlie McCay 
Sent: 19 February 2007 18:40
To: 'Dan Russler'; Lloyd McKenzie
Cc: W. Ted Klein; 'HL7 Patient Care List'; HL7 Vocabulary List
Subject: Packaging of vocabulary -- was -- RE: PC harmonization changes

On the ITS SIG call today there were complaints about the illogical grouping of all the vocab in a single voc.xsd file, and a suggestion that the vocab should be packaged with the structures to which it pertains. This is not something that can be done in the ITS unless the packaging is established in the abstract definitions, but sensible packaging of the vocab with the requirements and related structural definitions would probably help with maintenance as well as use of HL7v3 specifications. I did take an action to raise this with MnM, but it seems sensible to raise it in the context of this thread first All the best Charlie

20070429: MnM scheduling session Don't feel this is an MnM issue. If there's metadata required in vocabulary to allow for grouping, that should be brought up with Vocab and/or MnM. Other than that, it's a question for ITS to decide and Tooling to implement. (Some doubts by attendees whether the general gist of the proposal is even workable . . .)