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October 5th, Templates Minutes

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  1. Roll Call
    1. Russ Hamm
    2. Brett Esler
    3. Ken Rubin
    4. Brett Esler
    5. Charlie McKay
    6. Dipak Kalra
    7. Sam Heard (incognito)
  2. Agenda Check
    1. Looks good.
  3. Determine the call schedule for Future Templates tele-conferences.
    1. Next weeks (October 12th) call will be at the same time / dial in information.
  4. Templates Requirements Draft.
    1. Should we proceed with Draft for Comment in next ballot cycle?
      1. Brett and Russ think so.
        1. There is a great deal of momentum between MnM and Vocab (and others). It may be opportune to capitalize on this momentum as we can engage a broader audience.
      2. Ken's suggestion:
        1. Ballot fatigue may prevent quality review of the document from proceeding.
    2. Review of CEN Archetype Requirements with the goal of:
      1. To evaluate the CEN Requirements against current HL7 work, and use as a suppliment to existing HL7 Template requirements.
      2. Provide additional feedback to CEN as appropriate to engage in discussion to impove both standards.
        1. Generally agree on 1.1.1 and 1.1.2
        2. Section 1.1.3 - Split coded value and free text description into optional and required repectively. Both the free text description and coded concept description of the archetype/template are understood, but at this point the HL7 consensus is that the coded concept should be optional.
        3. Section 1.1.4 and 1.1.5 - Need to differentiate the requirements of Templates and he requirements of Template Repositories.
  1. Next Week's Agenda
    1. Agenda Check
    2. Determine the date time for next call.
    3. Decision: Do we have enough to proceed with the Draft for Comment in the next ballot cycle?
    4. Continue review and analysis of Archetype Requirements
    5. Next Week's Agenda
    6. Adjourn