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October 22, 2013 CBCC Conference Call

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Community-Based Collaborative Care Working Group Meeting

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Meeting Information


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  1. (05 min) Roll Call, Approve Minutes & Accept Agenda
  2. (15 min) Ballot Reconciliation - Ioana
  3. (15 min) Review of work defining sensitivity value set
  1. (5 min) Other Business

Meeting Minutes

Ballot reconciliation requires face-to-face with John Moehrke. John is out-of-office, then on vacation; will postpone ballot reconciliation until next week in hopes that John will be available then.

The follow up materials regarding the BH DAM gap analysis are available on GForge:

ACTION ITEM: Suzanne to send latest BH DAM reconciliation link to John Moehrke to confirm agreement. A recirculation ballot will be in order (see HL7 GOM) to send out to the commenters who provided negative comments) to review the changes made to the document. Changes include: (Note: no substantive changes)

  • introduction revised
  • two changes to a mood code and an OID
  • some clarification on context

This does not affect the entire membership--only specific members to confirm the changes are to their liking.

Richard would like to continue the work on the IG value-sets vocabulary (annotations?) required to implement/provide interoperability for mental health with ancillary services <criminal justice, schools, homeless, other community based services> to extend the summary BH record to be inclusive of these services and problems.

We had lots of feedback on the DAM and IG that was interesting and useful. There is a desire among the stakeholders and states to delve into these ancillary services. We have out use cases and need these elements to support thse use cases. (Use cases that require data elements that manage the BH care)

  • items such as school attendance - impact of school services on attendance
  • additional elements that are part of case management (being looked at by Wende Baker)
  • Wende will be forwarding a document to Ioana on the 'home'
    • standard medical home (to be given to provider) what the patient calls
      • county medical department
      • no medical home
      • no private provider
      • Veterans Adminitration
      • emergency depart

All these cases provide the case manager information for their last contact record. Additional providers in the community where there is a broader sense of support staff that contributed to this use case. This included input and support in the staff in the community that constitute the support of the client (i.e. peer support specialist, Al-anon sponsor, etc., fields avaiable but not always required for transition of care, etc.)

This data may be the beginnings of a new use case, but it’s also a way of thinking of multiples services that service a single client as part of the care-management team which makes good sense for this particular type of client. You don't repeat the service in another setting (or at least you try not to duplicate)

  • If dealing with case management for families/children/student you may want to tap into the NIEM CYFS (children-youth-family-services in the NIEM realm see: it is a specific domain schema. CYFS domain is basically sponsored by HHS in children and families office of support. (this may be similiar findings to HUD--where 'we have our HUD standard' where they only think of standards in the HUD world) If delving into the educational realm this is something you may want to look at more closely. The schema may be listed as "P20W" now, pre-school/educational/to grade '20' to allow flow of high school transcripts to colleges.

Each of the following links will take you to NIEM Children, Youth and Family Services Domain schema V2.1 - cyfs.xsd. The first will take you to the raw xsd file. The second will take you to a set of different visualization tools for the schema. I recommend starting with the second link to “” and its associated “exploration tools”.

  • ACTION ITEM: Brian will send the education related standards to the CBCC list

P20W Education Standards council PESK "post-secondary to PHD '20'

  • Wende; we have a discussion on required fields and if they were consistent with standards, there was concerned expressed about that among attendees to the call
    • One concern; addressed; which are required and which are not. In the BH model were options
    • If something is required, we don't want the BH providers to be the odd duck--but be consistent and supported in the standard. If some of the states are not supporting some of the elements, we need to mark them as mandatory as they are relevant to meaningful use as good guidance for vendors (especially between the states); we have recognized this in the DAM--we've lowered the bar. If we are trying to document the requirements across states and include the federal guidance development, we should inform the states and vendors they need to add support for these elements. It makes sense in the BH DAM to say--you should support these items otherwise you won't be able to support CDA documents.
    • There are a subset of data that you MUST have otherwise you will not have interoperability
  • Richard: Continue work on idenfying a minimum core set for criminal justice (for delivery of care) and BH and where people needs need to be met (focus of new project scope statement)

ACTION ITEMS: Wende to contact Ioana on a follow up vendor meeting

Meeting adjorned at 9:59 PST

--Suzannegw 17:00, 22 October 2013 (UTC)

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