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October 19, 2010 CBCC Conference Call

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Community-Based Collaborative Care Working Group Meeting

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Meeting Information



  1. (05 min) Roll Call, Approve Minutes & Accept Agenda
  2. (55 min) Generalized Attributes for Cross-Domain Communication Ed Coyne, Mike Davis
  • begin CBCC
  1. (40 min) Security and Privacy Ontology Review Criteria - Tony Weida
  2. (15 min) HL7 Security and Privacy Ontology Architecture v0.1 Jon Farmer
  3. (15 min) Item3
  4. (5 min) Other Business


1. Action Items

  • As follow up to a previous action item (Security/CBCC Sept 28th), during the recent Working Group meeting in Cambridge, brief conversations were held within the CBCC WG related to efforts underway in non-US realms to enhance consumers trust that providers can and will protect consumer's privacy preferences thus encouraging consumers to allow their protected health care information to be shared among providers.
    • As an outcome of those discussions, Richard offered to draft a white paper intended to stimulate discussion around this topic. In addition, he will also include some thoughts about how the quality of services being rendered to the "safety net" community might be measured using performance data.
    • Presently it is unclear whether there is an overlap of this activity with the interests of the Security Work Group,but for the time being, this investigation will continue under the auspices of the CBCC Work Group.

2. Resolutions - none

3. Updates/Discussion

  • Today's CBCC hour was allocated to the Security WG to allow discussion to continue on the Security & Privacy Ontology project. Please refer to those meeting minutes for further information.

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