OO CRLRI-001 PRU, FRU, PRN, FRN Components
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Submitted by: Bob Yencha | Revision date: <<Revision Date>> |
Submitted date: December 12, 2013 | Change request ID: OO CRLRI-001 |
Standard/IG: Implementation Guide | Artifact ID, Name: <<Artifact ID, Name>> |
See File:OO CRLRI-001.docx document for further details.
Recommended Action Items
Replace this section: LRI_RNLAB_RN_COMPONENT – ID: 2.16.840.1.113883.9.15 This component indicates that the test shall be identified using the universal service identifier in conjunction with the filler order number and, if available, the placer order number. The order numbers (placer/filler) must be combined with the universal service identifier to uniquely identify the order. LRI_RULAB_RU_COMPONENT – ID: 2.16.840.1.113883.9.14 This component indicates that the test can be identified using the placer order number or using the filler order number. No additional information is necessary since either identifier on its own is unique.
With this section: LAB_FRU_COMPONENT (UNIQUE FILLER NUMBER) – ID: 2.16.840.1.113883.9.83 This component indicates that the filler order number uniquely identifies the test ordered. No additional information is necessary, such as the universal service identifier, since the identifier on its own is unique. This component can only be declared in MSH-21 by the filler and subsequently copied if the copier (e.g., placer upon responding, or another party forwarding the message) did not change the filler order number value. LAB_FRN_COMPONENT (NON-UNIQUE FILLER NUMBER) – ID: 2.16.840.1.113883.9.84 This component indicates that the test shall be identified using the universal service identifier in conjunction with the filler order number and, if available, the placer order number. The order numbers (placer/filler) must be combined with the universal service identifier to uniquely identify the order. This must also be taken into account when creating parent – child relationships in subsequent messages. LAB_PRU_COMPONENT (UNIQUE PLACER ORDER NUMBER) – ID: 2.16.840.1.113883.9.82 This component indicates that the placer order number uniquely identifies the test ordered. No additional information is necessary, such as the universal service identifier, since the identifier on its own is unique. This component can only be declared in MSH-21 by the placer and subsequently copied if the copier (e.g., filler upon responding, or another party forwarding the message) did not change the placer order number value. LAB_PRN_COMPONENT (NON-UNIQUE PLACER ORDER NUMBER) – ID: 2.16.840.1.113883.9.81 This component indicates that the test ordered shall be identified using the universal identifier in conjunction with the placer order number. The placer order number must be combined with the universal service identifier to uniquely identify the test ordered. No additional information is necessary, such as the universal service identifier, since the identifier on its own is unique. This component can only be declared in MSH-21 by the placer and subsequently copied if the copier (e.g., filler upon responding, or another party forwarding the message) did not change the placer order number value.
Will need to update MSH-21 related OID tables - can also be completed during ballot reconciliation, if time runs out.
7/24/2014: Motion to synchronize LOI and LRI definitions as per recommendation. – Riki, Bob Y, no further discussion, against:0, abstain:0, in favor: 8