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OO CR150-780 OBX-7

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Submitted by: Freida Hall Revision date: <<Revision Date>>
Submitted date: December 5, 2013 Change request ID: OO CR150-780
Standard/IG: Standard Artifact ID, Name: <<Artifact ID, Name>>


See File:OO CR150-780 OBX-7.doc for problem definition and proposal.




Need to check with publishing to ensure we can change the name. If we have to deprecate and create a new field, we don't want to do this. 2013-01-28 Freida Hall - checked with V2 Publishing at the January WGM (Brian Pech) - OK to remove 's' from References if no impact to Frank Oemig (HL7 Database). Frank indicates each instance of element name needs to be changed (element 00575). "References Range" is only used in OBX-7 (checked up to V2.7.1) but there are multiple OBX segments in Chapter 7 and each OBX instance needs to be changed in segment table and field names.

Recommended Action Items


Jan 22, 2014 - Move to conditionally approve subject to confirmation with Publishing that we are allowed to make this change

Freida Hall / Riki Merrick 9-0-0

Follow up comment from Frank Oemig – outside of meeting: as long as the name matches in every instance of the item number that should be doable