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OO CR086 - Reflex Testing

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Submitted by: Pilots Revision date: <<Revision Date>>
Submitted date: Mar-2012 Change request ID: OO CR086
Standard/IG: Implementation Guide Artifact ID, Name: <<Artifact ID, Name>>


Do we permit reflex testing as both the addition of a new OBR/OBX as well as adding only one or more new OBXs to an existing OBR? Both are currently done by multiple laboratories (including both by the same lab)




  • 21-Jun-2012 - Concerned that having multiple options creates confusion and conflicts with micro parent/child. When done on a culture, then should using parent/child.
    • Suggestion to clarify that reflex tests are communicated using parent/child. We know that is not testable at this point, so it cannot be more than guidance. Will arrive at a conclusion on 26 Jun.
  • 12-Jul-2012 - We could not complete this item in time. Motion to consider this for future use. Bob Yencha, Ken McCaslin

Recommended Action Items

  • 24-Jul-2012 - Get feedback from the Laboratory Results Workgroup (Bob Dieterle) on use case whether we need to support both new OBR/OBX, or new OBX for existing OBR, or both and then determine how to support.
  • 14-Aug-2012 - Ken will reach out to Bob to determine what current status is.


  • Bob Dieterle - 23 August 2012
    • Reflex testing maybe represented either as additional OBX to an original OBR or additional OBR/OBX. If the second is true the OBR must reference the original OBR that generated the reflex using the parent/child concepts already in place and both have the link back to the same encounter.
    • They requested that work be done with LOI IG WG to communicate the reflex across the LOI/LRI IGs from the LIS to the EHR.
    • still have work to do.
  • Bob Dieterle - 4 September 2012
    • Will work on this this week.
  • 20 September 2012
    • Reviewed powerpoint slides provided above as guidence to support Reflex and Add on Testing in section 6.
    • PowerPresentation
    • Motion by Bob Dieterle and seconded Les Keeper by to accept this additiona guidence for the LRI errata and the LOI.
    • Against: 0 Abstain: 2 In Favor: 7