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November 4, 2014 CBCC Conference Call

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Community-Based Collaborative Care Working Group Meeting

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Meeting Information


x Member Name x Member Name x Member Name
x Johnathan ColemanCBCC Co-Chair . Wende Baker x Steve Eichner
x Suzanne Gonzales-Webb CBCC Co-Chair . Mike Lardiere . Rita Torkzadeh
x Jim Kretz CBCC Co-Chair . Lori Simon . Paul Knapp
. Max Walker CBCC Co-Chair . Mohammed Jafari . Harry Rhodes
x Kathleen Connor . Ioana Singureanu . Tony Weida
x Diana Proud-Madruga . Steve Daviss . Bob Yencha
x Serafina Versaggi . Marlowe Greenberg . Chris Clark, WV
x Rick Grow . Matt Peeling . Brian Newton
x Lisa Nelson . Amanda Nash . Kathy Odorow
x Ken Salyards . John Moehrke x Toria Thompson, Colorado
. Neelima Chennamaraja . Ken Ortbals x Oliver Lawless
x [mailto: Reed Gelzer] x Mike Davis Security Co-Chair . x David Tao
x [mailto: Robert Dieterle] . [ . [ .

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Agenda DRAFT

  1. (05 min) Roll Call, Approve Meeting Minutes from October 28
  2. (05 min) Update CBCC Vocabulary Facilitator
  3. (10 min) Patient Friendly Natural Language - Update on PFL map to HCS and development of FHIR Consent Directive Suite See CBCC PFL Wiki page
  4. (05 min) Patient Friendly Natural Language - Domain and Scope for the PFL Language
  5. (05 min) Vote: Move forward with PFL NIB? (NIB due November 2)
  6. (15 min) Data Provenance - Update HL7 DPROV Ballot Dispositions
  7. (15 min) Final Provenance Device RoleCode Concept Domains Harmonization Proposal Vote Final Provenance Device RoleCode Concept Domains Harmonization Proposal and Final Provence Device RoleCode Concept Domain Harmonization Proposal Presentation
  1. (05 min) Privacy Consent Directives - Ballot Reconciliation

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MEETING MINUTES for November 4, 2014

Patient Friendly Natural Language - Update on PFL map to HCS

  • Diana presented an updated version of the spreadsheet that starts mapping out a way to convert from patient friendly language to legal language, and places content for the consent directive into three separate context buckets: Disclose All, Disclose Some, and Disclose None.
  • Mike said we need to distinguish between restrictions and authorization. Authorization is a grant, always positive, not privacy-revealing, whereas restrictions are privacy-revealing, but only if you give the restriction to someone who isn’t aware of it at the beginning.
    • Mike further said that purpose of use of the information should be specified: treatment, payment, research, patient-specified purposes of use, marketing. Codes need to be spelled out. The consent directive is tied to the purpose of use.
    • Mike added: "You presented a list of something that the patient could include as restrictions. Be careful. What’s the healthcare impact? Don’t present too many options to the patient. Stick with some simple concepts and leave it up to patients/providers to decide."
    • Finally, Mike suggested to pull in all of the HCS vocabulary codes.

Final Provenance Device RoleCode Concept Domains Harmonization Proposal Vote

  • Kathleen added three new concept domains - ProvenanceDeviceRoleType, AssignedNonPersonNonLivingSubjectRoleType, and ProvenacneAssignedDeviceRoleType - to the RoleCode Concept Domain.
    • Oliver Lawless said he was trying to discern if the first code should be passive, as some of the definitions or examples do not apply (like transmitter software).
    • Lisa Nelson also asked some unresolved questions about the proposal.
    • Therefore, Johnathan proposed that Kathleen, Oliver and Lisa continue the discussion on Wednesday morning, taking 60-90 minutes to work through the details.

MOTION PASSED: Approve the harmonization proposal if Oliver Lawless and Lisa Nelson believe that their comments have been satisfactorily resolved after a meeting with Kathleen Connor to address the comments.

Data Provenance - Ballot Reconciliation update

MOTION PASSED: Approve the ballot reconciliation resolutions for the batch belonging to David Tao.

Meeting adjourned 1150 PST.