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November 29, 2016 Security Conference Call

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x Member Name x Member Name x Member Name x Member Name
x John MoehrkeSecurity Co-chair x Kathleen ConnorSecurity Co-chair . Alexander Mense Security Co-chair . Trish WilliamsSecurity Co-chair
. Mike Davis x Suzanne Gonzales-Webb x David Staggs . Mohammed Jafari
x Glen Marshall, SRS . Beth Pumo . Ioana Singureanu . Rob Horn
. Diana Proud-Madruga . Serafina Versaggi x Joe Lamy . Galen Mulrooney
. Duane DeCouteau . Chris Clark . Johnathan Coleman . Aaron Seib
. Ken Salyards . Christopher D Brown TX . Gary Dickinson . Dave Silver
x Rick Grow . William Kinsley . Paul Knapp . Mayada Abdulmannan
. Kamalini Vaidya . Bill Kleinebecker . Christopher Shawn . Grahame Grieve
. Oliver Lawless . Ken Rubin . Paul Petronelli . Russell McDonell

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Agenda DRAFT

  1. (2 min) Roll Call, Agenda Approval
  2. (1 min) Approval of November 22, 2016 Security Conference Call
  3. (15min) PASS Audit Conceptual Model – Diana
  4. (15min) TF4TA Ballot updates – Mike and Dave
  5. (10 min) FHIR AuditEvent and Provenance ballot comments & FHIR Security Call


  • John Chaired
  • Agenda approved -- Glen/Kathleen unanimous
  • Minutes from November 22, 2016 Security Conference Call approved -- Kathleen/Diana unanimous
  • ACTION Need future approval of minutes from November 15, 2016 Security Conference Call
  • Diana presented current work on PASS Audit
    • (Help with notes, as I was talking)
    • John provides discussion and pointers to IHE effort on Audit Query
      • As discussed today on the HL7 Security workgroup, while discussing the updates to HL7 PASS Audit, here is the link to the Supplement that IHE has written over the past two years on a Query interface to ATNA Repository. This aligns well with the vision discussed in the modifications of HL7 PASS Audit.
      • This supplement creates two new APIs. One for healthcare specific audit events, profiling HL7 FHIR AuditEvent. The second is not healthcare specific, profiling a syslog like interface. Note that the second interface might return the same entries as the first, as the second interface is not exclusive to non healthcare entries, it just has no healthcare specific query parameters or expected healthcare specific schema requirements.
  • Mike presented TF4TA Ballot
    • Motion to approve for Ballot -- Approved Glen/Kathleen unanimous
  • FHIR Security call will happen
  • Motion to Adjourn - Glen