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November 26, 2013 CBCC Conference Call

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Community-Based Collaborative Care Working Group Meeting

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Meeting Information


Member Name Present Member Name Present Member Name Present
Richard Thoreson CBCC Co-chair x Suzanne Gonzales-Webb CBCC Co-Chair x Max Walker CBCC Co-Chair .
Michael Alonso . Wende Baker x Bill Braithwaite, MD .
Kathleen Connor Daniel Crough . .
Steve Eichner x Brian Handspicker . Mohammed Jafari
Jim Kretz . Mike Lardiere . Tracy Leeper
Lisa Nelson Diana Proud-Madruga x Harry Rhodes
Ken Salyards Lori Simon Ioana Singureanu x
Tony Weida . Kate Wetherby . Rick Grow x
Maryann Juurlink x Steve Daviss

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  1. (05 min) Roll Call, Approve Minutes & Accept Agenda
  2. CDS-R2 Vetting Process Outline - Wende Baker
  3. Privacy Value Sets - Richard
  4. (5 min) Other Business

Meeting Minutes

CDS-R2 Vetting Process Outline - Wende

See document CDA-R2 Vetting Process Outline (sent via e-mail on 11/26/2013 at 0729 PST Review of document:

Step One: (basically completed)

Step Two: Review of Proposed New Data Fields and Potential Adoption Barriers with Broad-Based Vendor Group: A group of Behavioral Health EMR vendors were introduced to the contents of the BH CDA-R2 standard and asked for preliminary feedback on the proposed process of review and feedback. Once gaps and potential adoption barriers are determined, the group is re-convened to discuss the proposed recommendations and response to identified adoption barriers.

If we have the overview of the process and the goals...

Urban Institutes Website:

Quality measures update

Outcomes based quality measures - we in BH are uniquely positions to do these outcome based quality measures with unique advantage i.e. you helped me with xx, and I do not go back to jail / or / I'm now in school, etc We are looking at places (i.e. Washington) who are already doing this type of work

How do we proceed? We are comng up with models - where with information that is doing the vetting process - which may be standardized. when the systems are built they will have information to make a knowlegeble decision

PRAEDS (Steve Eichner) discussion from Canada


CDA – R2 Stakeholder Gap Analysis Process Overview


The intent of the process is to evaluate the scope of the current CDA-R2 Behavioral Health Domain data standards to determine additional behavioral health data elements that are needed/requested by the field and to align this work with the medical CDA-R2. Behavioral Health stakeholders that are in various stages of deploying Behavioral Health EMR’s and technologies that support CDA interoperability have an interest in participating in a comparative analysis to determine the effort that would be required to comply with the current standards as proposed. The outcome is hoped to yield definitive recommendations for additions of data in use, but, not currently represented as well as to identify any standards that as currently defined may constitute a potential barrier to adoption.


Step One Data Mapping and Gap Analysis: Comparison of Data Standards against existing knowledge base for two NextGen deployed enterprises to identify potential gaps and any adoption barriers


  • Mike Lardieri, Vice President of HIT, National Council
  • Wende Baker, Executive Director, eBHIN
  • Joe Wivoda, Consultant, eBHIN
  • Dr. Michael Zent, Chief Executive Officer, Jewish Family and Children’s Services (JFCS)
  • Javier Favela, Chief Financial Officer, JFCS
  • Devon Echols, Development Manager, JFCS
  • Tom Lipschey, Interoperability Expert, NextGen Healthcare Information Systems
  1. Review data standards and map to existing application Knowledge Base at two NextGen EMR/HIE deployments
  2. Identify potential gaps with recommendations for additional data fields
  3. Identify required fields that may pose vendor adoption issues with recommendations for changes

Step Two: Review of Proposed New Data Fields and Potential Adoption Barriers with Broad-Based Vendor Group: A group of Behavioral Health EMR vendors were introduced to the contents of the BH CDA-R2 standard and asked for preliminary feedback on the proposed process of review and feedback. Once gaps and potential adoption barriers are determined, the group is re-convened to discuss the proposed recommendations and response to identified adoption barriers.


  • Mike Lardieri, Vice President of HIT, National Council
  • Wende Baker, Executive Director, eBHIN
  • Joe Wivoda, Consultant, eBHIN
  • Dr. Michael Zent, Chief Executive Officer, Jewish Family and Children’s Services (JFCS)
  • Javier Favela, Chief Financial Officer, JFCS
  • Devon Echols, Development Manager, JFCS


  • Tom Lipschey, NextGen Behavioral Healthcare
  • Melissa Sanchez, Qualifacts
  • David Klements, Qualifacts
  • Joe Dickason, Qualifacts
  • Joseph Viger, Echo Group
  • AJ Peterson, NetSmart
  • Ravi Ganesan, Core Solutions
  • Kirk Kuli, LWSI
  • Fran Loshin, Netsmart
  • May Ahdab, CoCentrix
  • Marlowe, FootHold Solutions
  • Melinda Wagner, Cerner
  1. Overview of process and goals
  2. Discussion of Required Fields and Harmonization
  3. Description of Proposed Data Elements
  4. Other Discussion—Future Opportunities for Involvement