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November 12, 2013 CBCC Conference Call

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Community-Based Collaborative Care Working Group Meeting

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Meeting Information


Member Name Present Member Name Present Member Name Present
Richard Thoreson CBCC Co-chair x Suzanne Gonzales-Webb CBCC Co-Chair x Max Walker, CBCC Co-Chair .
Michael Alonso . Wende Baker x Bill Braithwaite, MD .
Kathleen Connor Daniel Crough .
Steve Eichner Brian Handspicker . Mohammed Jafari
Jim Kretz . Mike Lardiere . Tracy Leeper
Lisa Nelson Diana Proud-Madruga x Harry Rhodes
Ken Salyards Lori Simon x Ioana Singureanu x
Tony Weida . Kate Wetherby . Rick Grow x
Maryann Juurlink x Steve Daviss x

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  1. (05 min) Roll Call, Approve Minutes & Accept Agenda
  2. Reaffirmation of V3 Med Rec Data Access Consent email string
  3. Behavioral Health Model - adding new domain groups
  4. Schizophrenia Model, Major Depressive Disorder DAMs, next steps, participation, incorporation - Lori
  5. Review of additional fields for BH CDA R2 (summary behavioral health record - Wende
  6. Ballot Reconciliation - Ioana
    1. recirculation of DS4P (Ioana to follow up with Don Lloyd)
  7. Review of work defining sensitivity value set
  8. (5 min) Other Business

Meeting Minutes

Schizophrenia Model, Major Depressive Disorder DAMs, next steps, participation, incorporation - Lori

  • two directions: create DAMs, functional model (profiles)
  • comparing current BH model with the CIC model to incorporate/join into one model
  • CIC call is qWednesday - Lori will attempt to participate
  • Lori will have more information for next call

Behavioral Health Model - adding new domain groups

  • IGIS - Institutional Justice
    • sharing information across several criminal justic silos
    • also COCHS (pronounced "coaches")
  • NIEM - National information exchange model
    • came about as a result of 9-11 (September 11)
    • incorporates: state, federal
    • intention was to integrate the different silos, applicability to i.e. clinical to criminal justice 'interoperability'
    • has a V3 infrastructure, but no underlying ____
  • FHIM
    • platform independent
    • similiar to the HL7 RIM, exchange data, interoperability across the agencies
    • create data for information exchange

Meeting Adjourned: 10:0 PST --Suzannegw 18:05, 12 November 2013 (UTC)