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MnM Minutes CC 20140205

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M&M Conference Call 4:00PM Eastern Time (Date above)

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Jean Duteau, Katherine Duteau, Woody Beeler, Lloyd McKenzie, Austin Kreisler, Howard Edidin, Michael Denny, Rob Hausam

Approve Minutes From January 2014 WGM

Motion Kreisler/Beeler unanimus

Technical Correction Harmonization Proposal

Woody Beeler listed Value sets to be corrected as a Technical Correction submission from MnM to Harmonization. This was a list of 15 "structural" Value Sets for which the expansion expression was "the direct children of a head code" but should have been "the head code and all of its children with transitive closure".

Motion to approve this proposal - Beeler/Kreisler Unanimous

QA Review of FHIR DSTU

THe group worked through a list of QA checks to be applied to the current DSTU. The list was shared on GoTomeeting and edited by McKenzie. The result of this activity is the next version of this. It is expected to be competed in February and then submitted to FMG and FGB for adoption in order that they can be forward to the appropriate Work Groups for future QA efforts.

Review Action Items For MnM

Note the following list, and amend the list to assign selected items:
