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MnM Minutes CC 20121003

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M&M Conference Call 4:00PM Eastern Time (Date above)

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Woody Beeler, Austin Kreisler, Brian Pech, Abdul-Malik Shakir, LLoyd McKenzie


Motion to approve Minutes and Agenda - LM/AK 4-0-0

Approve forwarding CMETs R3 for Normative Publication

Beeler summarized the reconciliation of CMETs Release three that was balloted in previous ballot cycle. There was a single negative vote whose reconciliation was voted on in the Joint MnM/FHIR Meeting Monday Q4.

Subsequently, the Reconciliation spread-sheet was posted, the voter contacted, and the negative has been withdrawn. Beeler edited the "Notes to Balloters" section to a "Notes to Readers" section that summarizes the approval status of all of the CMETs that are Normative as of Release 3. The form to seek approval for Normative Publication has been completed.

Motion to approve the Submission of Request to Publish - AK/AMS 4-0-0

Agenda Planning for Agenda for Following Week

Agreed to:

  • Artifact Definition Project - Update and Discussion (Shakir)
  • Harmonization Submission Summary (Beeler)


After 28 Minutes