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May 23rd, Templates Minutes

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Meeting commenced at 21:00 GMT.


Galen Mulrooney Grahame Grieve Kevin Coonan Mark Shafarman

Several of Lloyd's comments regard the template registry metadata requirements. While we may agree or disagree with his individual comments, the point of this section is to attempt to harmonize the metadata requiremetns of the HL7 community with the CEN / OpenEHR community. Grahame will consult with Dipak and we will take this issue up again next week.

It was noted that there is some confusion regarding the terms "registry" and "repository". In general, we're using the ebXML notion of "registry", which covers concepts that some would consider to be bleeding into the "repository" definition.

Grahame moved that we move Registry Conformance Statement 12 to the registry section and that it be conditional in that there are circumstances under which folks might want to discover and collaborate on incomplete templates; thus template registries may opt to accept templates that are not production-ready, however, while registries will not required to support incomplete templates, registries must ensure that templates that are marked as production-ready be valid tempates. GG/GM 3/0/0