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May 01, 2018 CBCP Conference Call

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Community-Based Care and Privacy (CBCP) Working Group Meeting

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Meeting Information

Dial-in Number:  (515) 604-9861;  Access Code: 429554
* International Dial-in Numbers:

* Online Meeting Link:  
* Click on Join an Online Meeting Enter Online Meeting ID:  cbhs 
* Follow prompts if not automatically connected

Please be aware that teleconference meetings are recorded to assist with creating meeting minutes

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Meeting Recording - Temporary

Member Name x Member Name x Member Name x Member Name
x Johnathan ColemanCBCP Co-Chair x Suzanne Gonzales-Webb CBCP Co-Chair x Jim Kretz CBCP Co-Chair x David Pyke CBCP Co-Chair
x Kathleen Connor Security Co-Chair . Mike Davis . John Moehrke Security Co-Chair x Diana Proud-Madruga
. Chris Shawn . Neelima Chennamaraja . Joe Lamy x Greg Linden
. Irina Connelly x Saurav Chowdhury . Dave Silver . Francisco Jauregui
. Patricia Peretz . Amber Patel x Becky Angeles . Jennifer Brush
. Mohammad Jafari . Ali Khan . Ken Salyards . Ken Sinn
. David Staggs . Steve Eichner . Ioana Singureanu . Beth Pumo

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  1. Roll Call, Agenda Review
  2. Meeting Minutes approval: (still in process)
  3. Reminder: Voting deadline is today!
  4. Review of HL7 Cologne Agenda DRAFT
    • Co-Chair voting (please look our for e-mail voting if you are not in attendance at the WGM)
      • Jim Kretz
      • Suzanne Gonzales-Webb
  5. (5 min) CBCP FHIR THURSDAY call at 1:00 ET // FHIR Consent Directive Project Wiki, Main page
  6. eLTSS Update - Irina / Becky
  7. FHIR Security Project Update - Johnathan / John Moehrke

  • [ access to latest FHIR Build AND FHIR Ballots (FHIR Ballots: under R4 ]

eLTSS Update- Irina

  • review of current white paper DRAFT
    • Irina sent paper out on Friday (resending to CBHS list)
    • <<add link>>
    • mapping of dataset to FHIR and CCDA in order to carry the data between users of data (section 5)
    • future work
    • appendices of detailed artifacts, resources, data elements, examples, etc.

Informal implementer guidance for electronic sharing for eLTSS sharing

Questions / Comments:

  1. (Jim) Are there any discussions on privacy/consent between patient-client (sharing of information)?
    • (Irina) White paper includes section on signatures, but not focused on privacy; because of projects occurring already in security

FHIR Security Project No meeting this afternoon due to IHE face-toface

Update to weekly teleconferences

  • Meeting on the 8th still on:
  • No Meeting on the 15th - due to WGM,
  • No meeting on 22nd (post WGM)

CBCP Meetings Resume on the 29th

Meeting adjourned at 9:30 Arizona Time--Suzannegw (talk) 12:32, 1 May 2018 (EDT)