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This request was discussed in PC WG meeting on Sept 17 Q3 and accepted with 9 in favor, 0 abstentions and 0 negatives.

On behalf of Continuing Care in Ontario, I am requesting the addition of three new trigger events to the Care Transfer Topic.

1. We have identified a need to add 3 new trigger events (and corresponding interactions): · Suspend Care Transfer Request · Resume Care Transfer Request · Nullify Care Transfer Request

The "Suspend/Resume" is required to allow users to suspend the referral (referral initiator as well as the recipient organization) if the service is not available for a period of time OR if the client is not available to receive the service (i.e., client is admitted to hospital). Putting referral in "Suspended" status will place all service requests "On hold" as well.

The "Nullify" is required to allow users to nullify a Care Transfer Request sent in error.

Mary Ann Juurlink

Please see attached the TE(s) and IN(s) that have already been done. I believe the two wrappers below are newer than what Care Provision is presently using.

MCCI_MT002100UV Message Transmission

MCAI_MT700201UV01 Trigger Event Control Act

Trigger events and interactions

CCEH_TE001000 Suspend Care Transfer Request Indicates that a request for care transfer of responsibility for care provision has been suspended.

ALERT: This is an extension to the HL7 model.

CCEH_TE001100 Resume Care Transfer Request Indicates that a request for care transfer of responsibility for care provision previously suspended is now resumed.

ALERT: This is an extension to the HL7 model.

CCEH_TE002000 Nullify Care Transfer Request Indicates that a request for care transfer of responsibility for care provision has been nullified.

ALERT: This is an extension to the HL7 model.

CCEH_IN001000 Suspend Care Transfer Request ALERT: This is an extension to the HL7 model.

The interaction is used to suspend a previously sent Care Transfer Request.

CCEH_TE001000 Suspend Care Transfer Request

COMT_MT001101UV01 Act generic Status - Order

MCCI_MT002100UV Message Transmission

REPC_AR002030UV Care Transfer Placer (S)

REPC_AR002040UV Care Transfer Fulfiller (S)

MCAI_MT700201UV01 Trigger Event Control Act

REPC_AR002040UV Care Transfer Fulfiller (R)

REPC_AR002030UV Care Transfer Placer (R)

CCEH_IN001100 Resume Care Transfer Request ALERT: This is an extension to the HL7 model.

The interaction is used to resume a previously suspended Care Transfer Request.

CCEH_TE001100 Resume Care Transfer Request

COMT_MT001101UV01 Act generic Status - Order

MCCI_MT002100UV Message Transmission

REPC_AR002030UV Care Transfer Placer (S)

REPC_AR002040UV Care Transfer Fulfiller (S)

MCAI_MT700201UV01 Trigger Event Control Act

REPC_AR002040UV Care Transfer Fulfiller (R)

REPC_AR002030UV Care Transfer Placer (R)

CCEH_IN002000 Nullify Care Transfer Request ALERT: This is an extension to the HL7 model.

The interaction is used to nullify a Care Transfer Request sent in error.

CCEH_TE002000 Nullify Care Transfer Request

COMT_MT001101UV01 Act generic Status - Order

MCCI_MT002100UV Message Transmission

REPC_AR002030UV Care Transfer Placer (S)

MCAI_MT700201UV01 Trigger Event Control Act

REPC_AR002040UV Care Transfer Fulfiller (R)