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March 6, 2012 CBCC Conference Call

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Community-Based Collaborative Care Working Group Meeting

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Meeting Information


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  1. (05 min) Roll Call, Approve Minutes & Accept Agenda
  2. (45 min) Behavioral Health Vocabulary recommendations. Time permitting, will focus discussion on the following value sets:
    • ProblemCode
      • Additional qualifiers may be needed to describe Axis I and Axis II diagnosis codes (not Axis III or IV) to express severity of diagnosis and course (e.g., Prior History, In Remission, In Partial Remission, Recurrence).
      • Also may need indicator to reflect "provisional" status (“…there is a strong presumption that the full criteria will ultimately be met for a disorder, but not enough information is available…”)
      • attribute principalDiagnosis: requires further discussion
    • SubstanceOfAbuseCode
    • RouteOfAdministationCode
    • AssessmentTypeCode
    • LanguageCode
    • PrimaryResidence
  3. (10 min)Other Business

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Meeting Minutes

Richard Thoreson - presiding chair

Roll Call, Approve Minutes & Accept Agenda

Discussion Notes: Behavioral Health Vocabulary recommendations.

For now, we have resolved some of the issues

There may be changes needed in the provisional aspects.

Behavior health category (a derived field) The field is derived from other information about the clients’ age, functional impairment category and problems. In order to fit into a specific category, the client must have one of the diagnoses and functional impairment for that age group (e.g. under 18 of age, 18 years and older); (see tab titled: ‘BehavioralHealthCategory’

Behavioral Health Catagory May be marked as optional in Arizona. per Ioana